[quote]Charlemagne wrote:
[quote]IrishSteel wrote:
Oh - it must be nice to live in the fantasy land of rainbows and unicorns and lollipops - the cold hard reality of life is that we have to deal with the real world and not your fantasy version of history.
What options do you propose for dealing with Hussein’s rise to power all of those decades ago? Overthrow him? LOL - you are so talking out your a$$
The Shah of Iran - obvioulsy you are either misinformed or very young to have completely missed the fierce and raging debates in this country about the best course of action in that regard going well back into the 1960’s - there again, though, you offer no analysis of the actual situation nor do you propose any viable alternatives . . .
And yes, the US would still be hated as the West has ALWAYS been hated by the muslim - are you even aware that muslims were already attacking Europe UNPROVOKED in the 8th century? - you are so blind to the whol epicture it staggers the imagination to conceive of what your tiny concept of history must be confined to . . .
You miss completely the fact that our governments actions are made by people - people who do care, who do give a damn, who weep over the decisions that they have to make, who spend hours and hours agonizing over their actions, who desperately try to acheive the best possible results that they can and to sit here and read your stupid little diatribes denegrating their selflessness, sacrfice and honor is absolutely abhorrent to me - you cannnot name a single person who behaves in the manner you describe because you simply are using sweeping generalization based in your opinions of the the way things ought to be in some dreamy fantasy and while completely ignoring the harsh reality of having to make these types of decisions on a daily basis - your arrogance is only superceded by your ignorance![/quote]
I used to think as you do. But then, I woke up. Enough is enough.
Our foreign policy is absolutely ridiculous. Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace. That is essentially what you are saying. Draining the treasury on useless, destructive wars while our own economy crumbles. Perfect symptoms of empire decline.
And no. Our politicians could give a fucking shit about everyday Americans. The only thing they agonize over is how they can get reelected.
Not defending the politicians - I am defending our public servants - couldn;t give a hoot and a holler for mos tpoliticians.
Foriegn policy as a general discussion is way too lengthy for this thread.
again - politicians are maybe worth a dime a dozen and I would want change back . . .