Pre-Cycle/Priming the Pump

Back to the Future. Much has been made of post-cycle normalization, but what of priming the pump? In the '80’s, there was no thought of optimizing the environment for a cycle. I have heard discussions on lowering HDL with Niacin; Priming the nads with Clomid; and reducing Estrogen with Nolvadex, all Before starting a cycle.

Granted, the environment is different with someone who has not done any sauce period, or for five years previous, than a current user who is merely between cycles. I would like to hear opinions from some of our more knowledgeable contributors as to the possible efficacy of such a protocol, and the supporting technology.

[quote]MartinL wrote:
Back to the Future. Much has been made of post-cycle normalization, but what of priming the pump? In the '80’s, there was no thought of optimizing the environment for a cycle. I have heard discussions on lowering HDL with Niacin; Priming the nads with Clomid; and reducing Estrogen with Nolvadex, all Before starting a cycle.

Granted, the environment is different with someone who has not done any sauce period, or for five years previous, than a current user who is merely between cycles. I would like to hear opinions from some of our more knowledgeable contributors as to the possible efficacy of such a protocol, and the supporting technology.

My humble opinion is that the things you mention, at least the clomid and nolvadex ideas, are a waste of time. Now, your idea of getting hdl/ldl levels to a respectable level prior to starting a cycle is a good idea…And usually these two values simultaneously improve with lipolysis. So in other words, it is VERY WISE to get your bodyfat down before starting any cycle, and accompanying this will be improved health. Also,as John Berardi has pointed out, this way a greater propensity of weight accrual will be muscle.
So the bottom line is to get yourself as lean as possible, which provided you diet right, will be accompanied by an increase in overall health. Thus putting your body in a state that could get interrupted d/t aas administration, but nowhere near to the degree or severity had you started your cycle looking like chris farley.


[quote]mikekatz wrote:
MartinL wrote:
Back to the Future. Much has been made of post-cycle normalization, but what of priming the pump? In the '80’s, there was no thought of optimizing the environment for a cycle. I have heard discussions on lowering HDL with Niacin; Priming the nads with Clomid; and reducing Estrogen with Nolvadex, all Before starting a cycle.

Granted, the environment is different with someone who has not done any sauce period, or for five years previous, than a current user who is merely between cycles. I would like to hear opinions from some of our more knowledgeable contributors as to the possible efficacy of such a protocol, and the supporting technology.

My humble opinion is that the things you mention, at least the clomid and nolvadex ideas, are a waste of time. Now, your idea of getting hdl/ldl levels to a respectable level prior to starting a cycle is a good idea…And usually these two values simultaneously improve with lipolysis. So in other words, it is VERY WISE to get your bodyfat down before starting any cycle, and accompanying this will be improved health. Also,as John Berardi has pointed out, this way a greater propensity of weight accrual will be muscle.
So the bottom line is to get yourself as lean as possible, which provided you diet right, will be accompanied by an increase in overall health. Thus putting your body in a state that could get interrupted d/t aas administration, but nowhere near to the degree or severity had you started your cycle looking like chris farley.



Goog point MIke. Not only is it more healthy to lean out first, but it will also have a nice psychological effect as well. being leaner will allow you to “see” your results better in the mirror. also if your bulking, your going to add some fat. the lower bf level you start at, the less like a fat ass your going to look in the end.


Nice to see you posting again bro, hope you are able to stick around.
