Possible Ways to Make Money on the Side?

Hey guys, I am 17 years old, you can get some more info on me from my other thread I posted about a week ago. However, I just recently had to quit my job and now have no income to buy my food or supplements. I quit because I simply have no time with school and the gym, and my grades were slipping. Just wanted to know if anyone here earns a little side cash, (I only need about $100-$200 a week) and how you do so? Or if any of you have any ideas, other than prostitution, robbing a bank, or other unrealistic responses?

Thanks so much

If the grass is still growing in your area you could try mowing lawns. Being fall, you could rake leaves for people, and during winter (if you are in an area with decent snowfall) you could shovel sidewalks and driveways for people.

What kind of work are you looking for that will pay a 17 year old 100-200/week and allow you to have MORE time for school and training?

Years back I had a sporting goods store that was just barely making it but needed to have the doors open 10 hours a day. During the off season I lost money every month and hiring regular help was out of the question, but I did have a couple of kids who came in after school for a couple of hours at less than minimum wage. They answered the phone and maybe talked to a couple of customers but mostly just did homework and computer games. I paid them cash and let them buy at wholesale, I had no paperwork hassles or commitments I could not keep, so it worked for us all. Look for a business in that situation and you might just get paid while you do your homework. What about the place that sells you your supp’s?

[quote]biggestfrank wrote:
What kind of work are you looking for that will pay a 17 year old 100-200/week and allow you to have MORE time for school and training?[/quote]

drug dealing

[quote]Ketchrig wrote:
Years back I had a sporting goods store that was just barely making it but needed to have the doors open 10 hours a day. During the off season I lost money every month and hiring regular help was out of the question, but I did have a couple of kids who came in after school for a couple of hours at less than minimum wage. They answered the phone and maybe talked to a couple of customers but mostly just did homework and computer games. I paid them cash and let them buy at wholesale, I had no paperwork hassles or commitments I could not keep, so it worked for us all. Look for a business in that situation and you might just get paid while you do your homework. What about the place that sells you your supp’s?[/quote]


Unique situation that allows you to do schoolwork while youre working or get a job at a gym or supplement shop so that you can make money and subtract from your monthly expenses.

You need money for food, but I don’t think you need supplements. I’m actually positive you don’t need them.

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
You need money for food, but I don’t think you need supplements. I’m actually positive you don’t need them.[/quote]

Good point, creatine is 8 bucks for well more than a month’s supply. That and good food is all you really need.

Along with the odd jobs boatguy suggested, you can hire yourself out for tasks/jobs relating to your skills and interests.

For instance, I had a friend who created and tweaked websites for local small businesses, and another was paid to play with a parrot so it didn’t get lonely. Everyone in HS thought her focused interest in birds was weird, and she’s now an ornithologist, but back then she was the only other person to get that feathered bastard to behave.

Whatever your skills, I’m sure there’s a way to market yourself so people will pay you for it.

do crimes

Where do you live?

I don’t see why prostitution isn’t a realistic response.

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
You need money for food, but I don’t think you need supplements. I’m actually positive you don’t need them.[/quote]

By supplements I mean protein, creatine, multivitamins etc not big boy juice

I live in Orange Beach, AL. & thank you for some of the responses guys. & you’re right, all I need is a mom to make me pasta, but I don’t have that.

Just get a security gig somewhere so you can sit on your butt and do homework.

[quote]haydfree wrote:

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
You need money for food, but I don’t think you need supplements. I’m actually positive you don’t need them.[/quote]

By supplements I mean protein, creatine, multivitamins etc not big boy juice[/quote]

powdered milk, double strength. All you need at your age.

[quote]haydfree wrote:

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
You need money for food, but I don’t think you need supplements. I’m actually positive you don’t need them.[/quote]
By supplements I mean protein, creatine, multivitamins etc not big boy juice[/quote]
Why, did you already budget for your cycle before quitting?

A 5’4" high school senior who quits his job in order to spend more time in the gym is making the kind of immature decision only a teenager can get away with.

Dude, get your priorities straight. You don’t have to train six days a week. And even if you did, tons of guys on this site manage to juggle school and work and family time and training without any problems. It’d benefit you in the long run if you learned how to train hard and kept a job.

You talked about wanting to be a pro bodybuilder. Do a quick bit of research to see what some pros do to earn money without a regular 9-5 job. If that doesn’t sway you, then by all means go for it.

I think you need to be 18 to do G4P lol

My son at one time set up a car washing ‘business’. He put fliers in all of our neighbors mailboxes letting them know that on Saturday morning he’d wash the outside of their cars by hand. He created a list and asked people to sign up. He usually ended up washing 10-12 cars, about 30 minutes each car (including hand dry) and made $5-10 per car (usually $10 because our neighbors gave him a tip).
Most Saturdays he made $100 in 5 hours.

Half the time the neighbors actually ended up helping out.

Don’t know if you have the space to do this…

You do have to buy some supplies but for my son this worked quite well for about 6 months.