I don’t think getting our numbers out of range for four weeks once or twice a year is dangerous. That said, I don’t drink, haven’t in a decade, and despite an up and down diet, I tend to have really good numbers. Some lead really unhealthy lives, obesity, alcohol etc and live a relatively long time. The human body is remarkable. I think a lifetime of eating gmo garbage is more to worry about than a few 50-100mg anavar cycles. I have a stash of the stuff myself. Probably will settle for 40mg for 4 weeks.
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Well if you were to run around with say HDL of 10 LDL of 200 for 8-10 wks each year, chronologically over 20 years that’s 160-200 weeks, that’s more likely to do damage… though if you’re incredibly healthy (no booze… that’s probably one of the worst things one can consume… steroids or not), good diet etc id imagine you’re safer off (depending on genetics)