I’ve just finish my pre-season I’m ready to the next 4-5 monts of really heave amount of trainning.
I already can rise a max of 1500 watts on wingate test, 60 Vo2max and I’m pretty fine to start seriusly, so If someone can help me to close all the program with an hormonal help I would be greatful.
I’m 6’1, 187lbs 8.2%body fat, I looking for all… yes I need more power (pure), resistance and mantain my volume (not getting much bigger, because I naturally tend to get big, last season off with only weight program I get as big as 242lb 7.8 bodyfat) and now I have also the same streght but my relative streght is totally different.
So what can you tell me guys? I have a 6 days trainning program, (6 times pool, 4 times bycicle, 2 running flat,1 hills and 1 in water), 3 times a week 2 part gym program, first one endurance strenght leg (45%max) quick high rep and the second of general program with power, and two other days in the gym for specifically isometric,eccentric an propioception works.
Everything is well received…