Since I like to do things very far in advance… I’m planning my spring cut now so I have plenty of time to further research or make changes well in advance and compensate for the lag in time “friends” take to drop off “DVD’s”. This winter I’m running 750 test, 250 deca, 40 mg dbol run, thats all ready and waiting currently. No PCT since I’m on HRT (100mg test e, e4d). For spring, I have this planned…
week 1-10 test e 600mg/wk pinned e3d
week 3-10 tren ace 200mg/wk pinned ed
week 1-2 ECA 4 servings a day (I have some left over)
week 4-10 clen 100 or 150 mcg/day* depending on tolerance
week 1-10 Ketotifen 2mg/night
*im gettin 200mcg superclens and cutting them into 50 mcg quarters
Diet… Palumbos keto diet, w/ very slight changes.(drinking 40 grams BCAAS mixed in my water all day w/ 10 grams creatine a la the GSD)
Training… My normal HIT, which I have now changed to DC in the last few weeks. Cardio 10 ramping up to 20 minutes PWO, 30 minutes ramping up to one hour on off days.
Stats- 6’, 230, mid/high teens BF % (is it just me or does everyone somehow know there exact BF% on here?). Expecting to be in the 250 range by spring, slightly more BF.
Goals- Sub 10% BF, nothing crazy, just good abs, veins and definition and a good platform to start bulking again so I can keep my BF more reasonable in the future.
I think its pretty simple and easy cycle, not looking to do a contest, just recomp and lean out quite a bit. I want to stay away from prop as Ive seen it cripple friends, and I feel my diet will keep my water weight down.