[quote]pushharder wrote:
If everyone responded this way at these checkpoints they would have to be disbanded.
Wait…if only 25 - 50% responded this way the checkpoints would be a thing of the past. However, there are too many timid sheep out there so those percentages would likely never be reached.[/quote]
That’s why I hope the word spreads quickly. Don’t forget that the average person probably can’t name more than two of their Constitutional rights. They see a guy with sunglasses and a uniform and assume they’re going to be arrested if they don’t bend over on command. Most people care more about not getting into any kind of legal trouble than the principles of democracy. If everybody were to see this video, though, you’re absolutely right–the checkpoints would be gone in a week.
[quote]pushharder wrote:
If everyone responded this way at these checkpoints they would have to be disbanded.
Wait…if only 25 - 50% responded this way the checkpoints would be a thing of the past. However, there are too many timid sheep out there so those percentages would likely never be reached.[/quote]
That’s why I hope the word spreads quickly. Don’t forget that the average person probably can’t name more than two of their Constitutional rights. They see a guy with sunglasses and a uniform and assume they’re going to be arrested if they don’t bend over on command. Most people care more about not getting into any kind of legal trouble than the principles of democracy. If everybody were to see this video, though, you’re absolutely right–the checkpoints would be gone in a week.[/quote]
I wish I thought you guys were right. I suspect they would re-craft the law in a manner that would makes refusal a crime. The courts haven’t given any indication they would have a problem with that type of thing recently.