Hey there Lab! Looking good. I’m along for the ride and I have toll money and beer!
Ok you heathens. Inventor of Koji squats, Koji Murofushi. Gold medal, Athens olys, 2004. One of the best hammer throwers in the world. Dad was world class Japenese hammer thrower, sister is hammer and discus thrower, and mom was Romanian Javelin champ. You from a throwing background or still throwing Lab? Sledghammer work, med ball throws, cleans, etc. If you’re following Danny J’s stuff a lot it comes from his throwing background.
I loop chains around the sleeves of bar dangling 25 lbs weights on each side. The weights listed for koji style include the chain and dangled weight. The chains do not collect on the floor, as they would for accommodated resistance training. For the overhead presses, I do them standing. I am not from a throwing background, except when I pitched, god, over 25 years ago, ouch. I have picked up these movements from Dan J’s website and other writings.
The squat lifts on Wednesday were koji style, except the reverse bands were not. Think that would knock me on my a@@.
Seated jumps I got from Louis Simmons’ website to activate cns before squatting.
Today, I did circuits of overhead presses, farmer’s walks, medicine ball tosses and sledgehammers. I hate to run. I need to do conditioning work, and these circuits I enjoy (kinda!).
Okay, last Monday was leg day.
Squats-koji style- worked up to 2 x 10 reps at 275 lbs
then, 4 x 3 jumps over bench from seated position
then, 3 x 3 medicine ball tosses over head
Today, wednesday, was chest and back day.
Bench 225 x 10, 215 x 9, 205 x 8
Weighted Push-up 6 x 6 supersetted with pullups AMAP X 6 sets
What are your goals with your lifting? Are you following a specific program?
Not following a specific program. Am trying to increase strength and conditioning levels. My best bench in past few years is 340 max would like a 350 max by spring. For squat (high bar)best recent is 405, would like above 425. For deadlift, best recent 410, would like above 425, looking at a local powerlifting meet, usually here in July.
Today, was shoulder press.
135 x 4
155 x 4
175 x 4
Push Press
195 x 3
205 x 2
3 Circuits of shoulder press 135 x 8, farmers walk with 2 x 100 lb dumbells, and overhead press medicine ball throws 6 reps (12 lb ball).
kpsnap, to answer your question more fully.
I work out about 3 days per week, cycling bench, squat, overhead press, and now deadlifts (golf season over!)
I wave like this: week one is 8-10 reps, week 2 4-6, week 3, 1-3. I add jumps, throws, farmers walks etc for conditioning and for speed work. I try to keep it mixed up and try to keep moving upwards with main lifts, emphasize the word ‘try’.
[quote]lab45 wrote:
Not following a specific program. Am trying to increase strength and conditioning levels. My best bench in past few years is 340 max would like a 350 max by spring. For squat (high bar)best recent is 405, would like above 425. For deadlift, best recent 410, would like above 425, looking at a local powerlifting meet, usually here in July.
Today, was shoulder press.
135 x 4
155 x 4
175 x 4
Push Press
195 x 3
205 x 2
3 Circuits of shoulder press 135 x 8, farmers walk with 2 x 100 lb dumbells, and overhead press medicine ball throws 6 reps (12 lb ball). [/quote]
Where are you located? We have a local meet coming up Dec. 4 in Wa.
Lifting in Midland, Michigan.
Monday leg day:
3 Circuits of: Koji Squats 8 reps x 295, Overhead medicine ball throws, sets of 5 reps, sledgeahmmer for 10 reps and finally, seated jumps for sets of 5 reps. My legs will hurt for the rest of the week1
Then, watched the Giants smoke Dallas, how bout them Cowboys?
Wednesday: Bench circuits. Koji Bench 8 reps X 235 lbs, then 10 sledgehammers, then 5 over the head medicine ball tosses, then 200 lb farmers carries for 3 circuits.
Friday: Leg circuits. Koji squats at 295 lbs x 3, then overhead medicine ball tosses, then cement block jumps, then sledgehammers for 4 circuits.
Monday: Back to heavier bench work.
Bench Press: up to set of 275 x 2
Then, reverse band benches singles up to 310
Dumbbells rows: 100 lbs x 6 reps for 3 sets
Tricep pushdowns: 3 sets ramping to 90 lbs.
Wednesday: Heavier Squat Work
Speed squats: 135 lbs with grey band: sets of 2
Squats: ramped up to 375 x 1 (really worked on tightening back per Dave Tate)
Reverse Band Squats: ramped up to 400 x 2
No jumps today.
Nice all-around work. And a belated welcome to the ‘senior center’. I’m located on the lower eastside of Michigan (Holds up hand and points to location). You make 3 michganders in this forum now.
Thanks for welcome rugplayer!
Saturday: Strongman circuits: 3 sets - military press koji 135 lbs for 10 reps, farmers carry 200 lbs, sledgehammers, then medicine ball overhead throws.
Monday = Bench Day. Working a bit on program of one week heavy one week up to 5 rep max for main lifts. On heavy week will work up to 1-3 rep max then overload with reverse bands.
Bench Press: 225 x 5
245 x 5
255 x 5 had some left
One arm dumbbell rows: 100 lbs for 3 x 6
Dips 2 x 6, then max reps at 17
I’m 52 and I have not read your log, but I hope to hell you stay with it.
I wish i had a place to log my progress when I was 40.
Good luck.
Thanks Big Bencher, I am enjoying the log, should have done it years ago!
Wednesday = Squats high bar
Squats: 275 x 3
295 x 3
315 x 3
335 x 5 reps (new pr)
Deadlifted one reps to 365 lbs.
Pull-ups 3 sets of 5 reps as fast as possible, pause on bottom
Sit-ups amap x 2 sets
Saturday: Shoulders in circuits
Overhead Press: 3 sets of 10 at 135 lbs
Medicine Ball overhead throws: 3 sets
Sledgehammers 3 sets of 10
Farmers walks: 3 sets with 200 lbs.