ok this is your ordinary back pain thread. Its not I was squatting or deadlifting and I hurt it. I hurt it well putting a ball on a tee at work lol. I dead and squat all the time with good posture and when I sit in a chair always good posture, I used to have back discomfort but correcting my posture made it go away.
Now just from putting a ball on a tee i am in intense pain. Its sharp and I can walk fine after a day but it still hurt when I bend over or something like that. Can anyone tell me wtf happend?
You can strain your back and hurt it at anytime. Then you will not feel it for days and all it takes is doing something stupid like pick your kid up the wrong way and booom your back is toast. SO think back to something you did that might have put some strain on it using bad lifting form and 90% chance will have your answer.
[quote]dirtbag wrote:
You can strain your back and hurt it at anytime. Then you will not feel it for days and all it takes is doing something stupid like pick your kid up the wrong way and booom your back is toast. SO think back to something you did that might have put some strain on it using bad lifting form and 90% chance will have your answer.[/quote]
well I used to have chronic pain in my back until I started fixing my posture then It went away, as long as a wamrup with things like trunk twists before squats or deads im good. BUt i have never had this sharp pain thing