[quote]Malevolence wrote:
Vegita wrote:
I have put some thought into this, obviously since i made the post. I think my personal choice would be that I would have every power that superman has. This would be pretty damn good, because there is nothing that could contain you seeing that kryptonite doesn’t exist.
You could therefore go out and do good deeds and help humanity on a rather large scale, yet still have some normal aspects of your life, for instance you could still get with hotties and go sit on a beach drinking margaritas. You would get to hunt down real bad guys and whip thier asses which would always be cool, you could fly, shoot lazer beams from your eyes and throw big things around.
Also you would not be immortal, wishing for immortality, may be cool for a while, but after eons of time, say every human got killed ina big asteroid impact, yet you still lived, you would be walking around a charred planet with pond scum as your buddies. That might suck.
The argument against being Superman is that, essentially, because superman cannot feel pain, he can also not feel love, empathy, compassion…etc. over time, he becomes distant and detached, alienated from humanity, caring little to nothing of their successes and failures. Just saying…
He can’t feel physical pain, he can feel emotional pain, like when lois lane is in danger. If you want to not become detached, just watch one of those Sarah McLoughlun commercials with the poor animals. That will keep anyone attached. Also I will be feeling enough pain knowing I cannot fix all the worlds problems.
As I am typing this I am leaning towards Goku powers anyways, He can feel pain, especially from a needle. And he feels emotional loss at the loss of any innocent life, thats what drives him.