one day delt, lat, and chest programs

I did the one day arm cure a few months ago, and got great results. I am trying to make a similar program for delts, lats, and possibly chest.

For delts I was thinking of supersetting dumbell front presses in the sagital plane with dumbell side laterals. My second superset would be dumbell presses with elbows wide supersetted with rear delt cable rows with elbows held high. My only concern is that I am not working antagonistic muscles like the one day arm cure. My brother tried this program and thought it was too much, but he did not follow the diet recomendations. What do you guys think?

I am also considering doing a one day lat program with chins (or pulldowns as I fatigue during the day) supersetted with cable pullovers. For my second superset I would do chins or pulldowns in the sagital plane supersetted with bent rows. My concern here is also that I would not be working antagonistic muscles.

The other one day program would be a combination of lat, delt, and upper chest. This would work antagonistic muscles, but I am concerned that I am hitting too many muscles at once. The first set would be chins (or pulldowns as I tire) supersetted with side laterals. The second superset would be bent rows supersetted with incline presses.

I think that I would need to increase the caloric intake by roughly 20%-30% for these programs over the diet recomendations for the arm program since they involve more muscle mass. Please give me feedback. When I do any of these programs I will post results so all fellow T-mag readers can grow big torsos to match our already massive arms.

Gyn Source, if you don’t mind, what were the results you acheived on the one day arm program? I’m thinking of trying it myself.