[quote]slotan wrote:
If I got this right, you want to go something like this:
Week 1
Monday - high pulls
Thursday - pulldowns
Week 2
Monday - shoulder press
Thursday - bb rows
Week 3
repeat week 1
Why so little?
And, these movements are very different. You could try something like Back Squats one week then Front Squats the other, and expect it to work; but, pulldowns and rows, for instance, are movements in different planes and with different mechanics.
You could easily fit all these movements in one week, and if your work capacity is low, or you’re tired from sprinting, do just a few sets of each. Something like 2x5 or 3x3. Additionaly, you can do all the movements on both days, but make one of the days heavy (like 3x5) and one light (2-3x10 or 5x5 @65-70%). Or some combination, like:
high pulls heavy
pulldowns heavy
shoulder press light
bb rows light
shoulder press heavy
bb rows heavy
high pulls light
pulldowns light
Also, why no squats?[/quote]
Cheers for the reply.
I feel that once a week is enough for such muscle groups in sprinting ie. high pulls use same muslces as shoulder press and bent over rows use same as pulls downs, generally anyway.
This is only my post shoulder and upper back workout. I also do bench, squats, deads, GMs, back hypers etc.