OK, Let's Lift! And 1 and 2 and 1 and 2

Ok, I need to get back in the habit of logging.
Doing Dan John’s 2 day a week thing, in my 2nd week.
Week 1, Day 1: DL 315x5, 365x2 or 3, 385x1.5 not great. fail at 405.
Bench: 95x10, 145x10, 195x10, 245x3 or 4 I think.
Pullups: max set with 20lbs, got 5 or 6.
Press: max w/135 for 10 I think.
Curl: up to 90lbs, 8-10 reps, can’t remember for sure
Tricep kickback Meadows style: up to 15 or 20lbs dumbbell… I think. 10 reps

Day 2: Squatted 25 reps w/135, goal was 30. This is a weak point for me (high reps)
Bench: 95x10, 135x10, 185x10, 225x5.
Leg curls: 10 reps, don’t remember the weight.
SLDL 135, 3 sets of 10.
extension thing 20 reps, however many sets I was supposed to do.

Day 1, week 2: DL 315x5, 365x3, 415x1, failed 445 (attempted PR)
Bench: 225 max, 10 reps this time
Pullups up to 30lbs, 9 reps
Press: max 145, 10 reps
Curl: 100, 10 reps
Triceps dumbbell extensions, up to 40 lbs I think… 7ish shitty reps
Side bends, 45lb plate, 10 reps each side.

There you have it!!! Improvement across the board on Day 1 of week 2. Day 2 is tomorrow.

Back to logging…
obviously I skipped alot of months on here, not as bad as in the gym.
Had some good lifting all the way through october. married in november, didn’t really get back in the gym until mid January, after honeymoon. no excuses for this year.

Doing 5/3/1 now, with boring but big assistance. Today is tuesday of my 2nd week, so I want to record my max weights as best I can remember them from last week, and work from there.

Max estimated press: 170
Max estimated deadlift: 410
Max estimated Bench: 300
Max estimated squat: 300
Max weights used for 5 reps:
press: 145
deadlift: 345
Bench: 235
Squat: 245
Max weights for 3 reps:
press: 155
Deadlift: 365
bench: 265 (2)
squat: 265

for 5 sets of 10 assistances: bench 145
press: not sure, but i think i did 95, and it was too heavy
deadlift: 205
squat: 145, too much, only got 4 sets (conditioning issue)
pull ups: getting closer to 5 sets of 10. this week was like 10 10 9 8 6 or something

deadlift workout yesterday, got 365 for 3. Assistance squats, got my 5 sets of 135, felt like I could have done more, so definitely progressed from last week. Today’s soreness is mostly in my hamstrings. Ready for some big lifting thursday and friday!

Yesterday tried bench 265 for 3, I think I got 2 without help, definitely didn’t get 3 on my own. spotter may have touched the bar on rep 2 as well. oh well. Press was good, 5 sets of 10 at 85, not much rest between sets. 80lbs on DB rows. Got all the sets/reps, but this got very tough, especially with right hand. used more body english to finish than i would have liked. pressdowns at 120, then out.

Friday: squats were good, for the first time my squats are definitely stronger than bench press. I felt good about 265 for 3, could have definitely done more. good depth. No problem with the 205 deadlifts for 5 sets of 10. Partied a bit this weekend, hope it won’t affect this week’s lifts.

moved my log over to fitocracy, it’s just easier to log sets and reps on there. I may keep posting on here to update progress though, and make extra notes. name over there is the same as here.

Well, I was diligent on Fitocracy for a few weeks, but didn’t keep it up. I just suck at keeping a log, that’s all there is to it.

I’ve been relatively consistent in the gym over the past couple months. But in the last 2-3 weeks, I’ve radically changed my diet, been more consistent in getting plenty of food, especially protein, and it’s absolutely showing. My diet right now is 3 scoops Metabolic Drive w/ milk/strawberries mid-day, 3 scoops with milk afternoon, Surge workout during lifting, Surge Recovery after, and whatever for dinner. Sometimes having oatmeal as an extra meal, mostly not. All my numbers are going up significantly, after they had stalled for awhile.
So here’s what I’ve done this week:
Strict OHP: 175
Deadlift: 425
Bench Press: BARELY missed 315. Will update in the next week or 2 when I hit it. Excited about this one.
Front Squat: 225 for 2 reps. Hadn’t squatted for a few weeks, and never front squatted this much, so I was pleased.

I weighed 175 after my workout last night. Right now, my pecs, shoulders, arms have never felt better. Even stalling on bench a few times hasn’t strained anything. Reading over my log, I was reminded of how much I was hurting myself last year. My only problem right now is a bit of a left groin issue. I’ve been working around it, and mostly doing hack squats instead of barbell squats. The hacks don’t irritate the injury at all.

Summary of recent lifting:
I started out doing 5/3/1 strictly, with the prescribed percentages and stuff, but I’ve since moved away from that a bit. I’m working closer to maxes, with lower reps, and I’m not really periodizing, just varying by feel a little bit. My assistance work is very close to the boring but big stuff, I haven’t really strayed from that.

YO! I like your avi.

Are you depressed that house is over?

I have a perma-frown goin’ on right now.
That show will be forever in my heart…

@spock Haha, I actually didn’t watch this last season, but I loved the first few seasons. Heard the ending was pretty great. Also, thanks for posting in here, my first follower!! BTW, love me some mario kart, all the way back to the SNES version, before sliding worked.

set a new PR for strict OHP last night, pressed 185 at about 175 weight. I also front squatted 245 for 2 on Saturday. hack squat assistance work on saturday.

Workout last night looked like this:
worked up to a single, grinding strict press of 185
did a couple sets 8-10 at 135
sat down for some dumbbell presses 8-10 reps from 45lbs to 60 lbs, short rest periods
50 hammer grip pull ups in 5 sets
25lb dumbbell curls
lying tricep presses
face pulls
fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Awesome.

Deadlift tonight, not planning on PRs, but you never know before you get to the gym how things will feel.

Deadlift last night. Pulled 405 relatively easily, went for 445. Got it off the ground a few inches, that was it. At least I was close.
Did good mornings with 135, I think 5 sets of 9.
Then Dragon Flags. I didn’t do a whole lot of these. I used pretty strict form for most of the reps.
Guess that’s about it.

Alrighty, biting the bullet. Here’s a picture of me from 4/19. I’m about 5-7 lbs heavier now. First picture yayyyyy! (FTR, I’m not good at internetz, hope this works)

Well, your sweat pants sure do look comfy. I need to pick me up a pair of those.
Quality tie up string style. Therein lies the cozy.

Old Navy. Cheap and comfortable. the only thing I’ve ever bought there.

Probably won’t get back to my log for a few days, so here’s a prequel of the weekend plans.
Bench press tonight, with accessory work. Feeling well rested, well fed today. should be good.

Plan to do a 9:00am crossfit workout tomorrow. Not particularly sure what to expect in terms of my conditioning. I guess I’m doing it to get a baseline for myself of some sort. Playing some competitive flag football this summer, so I’d like to see how far off I am from the shape I need to be in.
Need to do a squat workout this weekend, but timing will depend on what the crossfit WOD is.

Quick update:

BP Friday - didn’t hit 315. sooooo close. rows with 100lb dumbbells, a couple sets of 20. Decided to do some power high pulls after that, first set with clean grip, following sets with snatch grip. I’d like to get more comfortable doing things with a snatch grip.

Saturday - No crossfit. Squat workout. Worked up to 295 for 1. That was tough, but I hadn’t done a back squat in months, so that was expected. Didn’t keep my back tight on the turnaround, pretty ugly, but I got it done, and went deep. Then 2 sets of 20 with 135. That was fun :slight_smile: Tried to keep the tension through most of the reps by stopping just short at the top, and going all the way down. Even with such a light weight, this gives a great pump.

Deload week, starting today.

OHP, worked up to 135 for a set of 5, then 5 or 6 sets of 10 at 95. All easy, good ROM.
50 pullups
40lb ezcurls, 3 sets of 10
tricep pressdowns, most of the stack, 3 sets of 10
Crab cakes and couscous.

Deadlift worked up to 315 for 5. Felt like nothing.
4 sets hack squats, 2 pps.
Leg raises.

No dinner yet.

BP worked up to 225 for 5. Easy enough.
50 pullups hammer grip
dumbbell curls 40, 35, 30
tricep extensions on floor, 30lbs
35 reps rear delt machine.

No squats over the weekend. Figured since it was a deload week and I’ve got MCL and groin issues on my left leg, might as well just rest. Which is good in theory, but less good in practice when I decide to play basketball instead. Actually, basketball went well, didn’t hurt myself, lol. But I do need new basketball shoes, mine really don’t fit my arch well, both arches hurt like crazy afterward. I’m in decent condition right now, wasn’t sure how that would go since I haven’t been active outside of lifting.

Back to lifting heavy stuff. The deload week felt good, glad I took it.

Sets of 5 OHP, up to 155 for 7. probably a PR. Then my 5 sets of 10 pyramiding down.
50 wide grip pullups, last 2 sets were 7 and 3 reps. Really focused on squeezing my back on these.
CURLS IN THE SQUAT RACK LOLZEZ!!! What’s really funny about this is the following: The entire area at my gym in front of the dumbbells was taken up, along with the 2 preacher benches, so I figured I’d do cable curls. Both cable machines were taken up by a couple bros doing cable flyes… but both squat racks were abandoned. The one I used was still loaded with the weight I was pressing earlier. Hadn’t been touched.
Dips for a few sets, BW.
T bar rows on the plate loaded bar with the pad-thing. used the upper handles, focused on pulling with upper back.
Added some pictures to my profile. Here’s one.