[quote]pittbulll wrote:
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
[quote]pittbulll wrote:
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
[quote]pittbulll wrote:
You know this is the same thing they were saying about Clintons [/quote]
Perhaps that may make a case that MANY liberal democratic presidents are no more than whiny, self-indulgent children who have no business running a country?
I dunno - personally if someone had taken an oath to jump in front of a bullet for me, I might treat that person/people with a bit more respect. But that’s just me…
And if Clinton spent LESS time and energy getting his dick sucked by an intern and MORE time and energy thinking about the safety of our country and actually HAD a set of balls with his foreign policy, perhaps we’d be in a VERY different position right now…
Just sayin’…[/quote]
I personally would not mistreat any one that did not deserve it, My point is there is ZERO proof to you accusation , just as there was no proof that Clinton was flying cocaine into little rock or that Clinton had Vince Foster killed , Or that Obama is a Muslim Or that he born in Kenya . Do you not see a pattern of possible Mis or Disinformation ?
I didn’t start a thread about Clinton flying coke into little rock or anything about Vince Foster. I posted what I did based on what was told to me by a trusted friend. Someone I’ve known for over a decade. Someone who has a position in the government to KNOW FIRST HAND what I wrote about. I wasn’t making an accusation. I don’t believe I’m spreading “disinformation”.
In my ENTIRE posting history here I have not trolled once. Frankly, I really can’t stand that shit. I am passing along information that I became privy to, to an online community that I’ve become fond of, in the “proper” forum. That’s it.
I’m sorry if it doesn’t align with YOUR politics. I would have gladly posted the exact same thing about Bush if I had come across that information at the time. Character is a very important thing IMHO. This information game me a glimpse of Obama’s character. It’s not the character of someone I want running MY country. So I thought I’d share.
For the record and for full disclosure, I VOTED for Obama. At the time ANY one other than that incompetent-piece-of-shit Bush seemed like a good thing and McCain may have been a war hero, but I didn’t like his message. However, watching Obama try and run our country for the last few years has been like watching a monkey try and fuck a football. I WILL NOT be voting for him again so I have to hope that the Republicans come up with someone better - hopefully not one of these Tea Party assholes who don’t accept the reality that we’re in.
Like it or not, as a country WE ARE FUCKED. It will take BOTH entitlement reform AND raising taxes to get ourselves out of the mess that a republican started and a democrat compounded. But we remain as polarized as we’ve ever been. If we ALL can’t compromise and FIX IT, we are all headed into a world of economic SHIT. But that message won’t get anyone elected. So it will be business as usual and we, the tax payers will suffer the consequences.
I think you are naive if you believe all your friend says , and I believe anyone on this post to be naive to the point of idiot to believe a post form an anonymous source about such a controversial figure as Obama . Sorry if I offended you [/quote]
One could probable make a list of MANY words to describe me (some flattering and some not), but naive is definitively NOT on that list! LOL I don’t feel offended at all. But I believe 100% what my friend told me. This isn’t some guy I ran into at a bar, this is someone in my inner circle. I could call this guy at 3AM to bail me out of jail if I had to - he’s one of THOSE friends, get it?