K so I’m 17 and started working out when I was 13 but I didn’t seriously start til I was 16 and then I weight a little over 305lbs now I’m 225 but I have. Women boobies still and I’m super fucking athletic and I’m strong as shit and I’m fairly fast for a big guy , and I was just wonder if maybe 1 cycle would get rid of the tits … Like just 1 short term cycle , I’m East Indian so I believe I hit puberty fairly early and my body’s done growing also I’m a lot stronger then most kids my age.
But a know a lot of guys who have done it and their around my age and they did it to gain , can I take a cycle of maybe ananavar and stick with my no carb diet and run like 30 mins a day while lifting weights and box and get cut ? Oh and if u have any legit tips to get rid f tits I definatly try em out !! I wanna be cut before I graduated outta highschool and go on the grad trip and be able to toss my shirt off at the beach!!