Never Too Young To Exercise

[quote]Puny@138 wrote:
PGA wrote:
A babies brain and neck should not be exposed to that much whipping around.

I dunno…if the baby were hurt by the movement, he’d definitely have been crying about it. Furthermore, I’m certainly no expert on the aerodynamics of the human baby, but the woman’s motions seemed very swift and graceful without any violent jerking around…your statement is plausible and very likely absolutely correct, given the formative state of the infant body, but her smooth movement definitely seemed to minimize the risk of neck strain and the brain bouncing around. Anyone with knowledge regarding obstetrics, please edify us.[/quote]

umm. what he said.

[quote]Jason32 wrote:
Apparently it’s some form of manual therapy that’s popular in Russia, for the development of children’s physical motor skills.

I found it fascinating and terrifying all at the same time. The least she could have done was stood on some carpet… yikes![/quote]

I thought the least she could do would be to clothe the poor kid. I don’t see her fat as standing there in the buff.

And WTF with holding the kid by one arm and spinning him?

The video was disturbing.

[quote]Puny@138 wrote:
PGA wrote:
A babies brain and neck should not be exposed to that much whipping around.

I dunno…if the baby were hurt by the movement, he’d definitely have been crying about it. Furthermore, I’m certainly no expert on the aerodynamics of the human baby, but the woman’s motions seemed very swift and graceful without any violent jerking around…your statement is plausible and very likely absolutely correct, given the formative state of the infant body, but her smooth movement definitely seemed to minimize the risk of neck strain and the brain bouncing around. Anyone with knowledge regarding obstetrics, please edify us.[/quote]

I saw the most jerking around when she held the baby by its arms and swung it side to side, when she held it by it’s legs and shook it side to side, then swung it between her legs, then held it by one leg and one arm and swung it side to side.

Not sure what video you watched, but the video I saw definitely put a strain on the baby, including the neck. Ever see a newborn that cannot even hold its head up? I don’t know about you, but I dont want my newborn being tossed around like a rag doll.

Some tribal women in Africa do similar exercises with their babies. This shocked the anthropologists when they first observed it (as the video shocked you), but several subsequent observational studies proved the babies suffered no harm from the routines, and in fact performed better on motor skill development tests than babies who did not undergo the routines.

Our gut reaction is that all that motion MUST negatively affect the baby in some way; it MUST be some form of cruelty. However, the parents certainly aren’t trying to hurt their babies. They are trying to do everything they can to help them develop properly, based on their knowledge of child development. I don’t think we are in a position to judge them so readily…

[quote]smallmike wrote:
Some tribal women in Africa do similar exercises with their babies.[/quote]

That’s beause they’re ignorant and don’t know any better.

LOL “Observational studies.” I think that means that someone watched it and could prove no short term damage to the baby so they thought it was okay. Here’s a clue…IT’S NOT.

Well, it is cruel. And my reaction is that cranking on a babies shoulder joint like that is basically child abuse.

I don’t think that it says anywhere that you actually have to “try” to hurt someone in order to actually hurt them.

I don’t think you’re in a position to tell us not to judge them so readily.

Oh I see…Edders…you are that disagreeable character from the Kelly Baggett Speed Manual thread who always tries to have the last word.

[quote]smallmike wrote:
Oh I see…Edders…you are that disagreeable character from the Kelly Baggett Speed Manual thread who always tries to have the last word.[/quote]

And you’re the jackass college kid who thinks he knows everything…yea I’ve read your posts. Your latest addition on this thread is no better than the rest of your blather.

Oh…and Merry Christmas.
