That is a huge amount anastrozole. The protocol is 1mg/100mg of test. This is assuming you’re not an over-responder (I am). So, if you’re doing 150mg of testosterone cypionate weekly split up into two doses a week, you should be taking .75mg of anastrozole at the time of injection. Try that and see how you feel after a few days. That dose of adex may have very well made you feel like death.
You are correct about the reconstitution of the hCG. Most either inject hCG EOD or 2x/week. Everyday injections is unnecessary. Also, most only inject 250iu per injection. 400iu isn’t a BAD thing. It’s kept to 250 so you don’t desensitize the leydig cells to REAL LH, which is what hCG mimics if you didn’t know that already.
The huge anastrozole dose is almost certainly the reason Mr. Woody and Libido McDickerson took off on you.
Why are you taking phentermine? How long?
Post the labs when you get a chance, and get the ones you’re missing whenever you can.