My Review of NPP-8 Week Cycle

Funny thing… I was talking to a buddy last night who has made two orders from the same source, and he too got practically no results (doing test/tren). He’s a lean dude, had never ran a cycle before, so I figure he should have seen some sort of result.

When I did the test/tren, I think my dose was on the lower end - like 250/250 a week. Does that sound too low?

The source isn’t the cook… A lot of his stuff is Actus Pharma labs, and Bio Tech Pharma. I don’t know one brand from another, tho. No shrink wrap or hologram on the NPP, now that I look at it.

I have enough test to give that boost idea a try, but only about 3 weeks left of NPP at 600/week.

I wonder if you can advise on what the break should be after this. Is two months enough of a break? I know the general rule of thumb is that the break should be the same length as the cycle, but considering this cycle has done nothing so far I wonder if that rule applies. I just wonder if I’m “saturated” and need to clean out completely. Thing is if I go off the script test I’ll crash since I really don’t make any of my own anymore.

I have a big gear head buddy who takes one month breaks, and his gains are becoming incrementally lower. He’s mostly stuck around 230, which is actually prolly big enough anyway. lol

Regarding NPP and its reputation as a good cutter, I have a theory. It’s known as a good cutter in the world of broscience. So guys frequently run it on a cut. Why wouldn’t they? They have lots of other guys on Forum X telling them how great it is. But nobody tells them to run a cut with deca. So very few do. Because of this perceived difference we get a lot of anecdotal experience with NPP as a cutter, and thus we get a lot of good results from guys who were going to cut anyway but chose NPP because the conventional wisdom said it was a good idea. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

That’s my theory at least.

I think running 250/wk of test is pretty much a waste of time; that’s basically TRT level range, which you’re already on. Depending on your experience I would have suggested a min of 500/wk…it’s all water under the bridge at this point since it was two cycles ago for you.
As far as breaks go I like the idea of resting for a similar amount of time as my cycle but it doesn’t have to be a hard and fast rule to live by. Considering you’re on TRT you’ll never really come ‘off’ since you’ll fall back into your TRT maintenance schedule anyway. I think the conventional wisdom is to allow 4-5 halflives of the longest ester you’ve run to elaspe before truely considering everthing to clear…maybe start there and run some bloods to get an idea of what’s going on biochemically.

So, in the NPP/test cycle, the NPP half life is only 2.5 days. Tren enth is 5-7 days, Tren ace a couple days. The test cyp I never go off of. Since the NPP burns out so fast, but I’m still always on test, does that mean I only need a two week break? Sorry… Confused just because I’m always or TRT.

I’ll throw this out there: NPP, taken once as an IM injection into the glute, drops to the same blood levels as 100mg deca (same administration) by about day 16. NPP gives you a gigantic spike in the blood levels of nandrolone, then drops off quickly, but not nearly as quickly as you might think. So obviously the goal is stable blood levels, which is why short esters are injected frequently. But that doesn’t mean they leave your system as fast as they come in. NPP is different than other drugs.

I was only suggesting that you truely aren’t ‘clean’ from the drug until after 4-5 halflives have passed. Your actual break, or ‘off-time’ can be as long as you’d like. Most guys I know run a couple of cycles a year (other guys choice to almost never come off) depending on their goals. If your typical cycle is 16 weeks then that would fit nicely into a 2 cycle/yr set up…16 on - 16 off - 16 on, 16 off.
Since your on TRT already you’re technically blasting and cruising where your cruise is your TRT protocol.

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It’s becoming apparent I know just enough to be dangerous around all of this. Now I’m not sure what to do, other than yubs thought about upping the test and continuing the NPP till I’m out. I started that today, I have three weeks left. Since this NPP is supposedly very fast acting, I figure I should see something within those three weeks. Then I’ll just stop everything for a couple of months and do a test/tren cycle in the spring. Man this gets confusing.

Not to pick a nit here but my main point was to test your gear first…
assuming it’s legit THEN I would suggest upping the dosages.

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Question where did you inject what part of the body ED? Did you use a normal needle or an insulin needle?

Awesome thanks for this
I’m a female bodybuilder I’m relatively new to the steroid game as such although have been on NPP for the past 3 weeks I got told this is the drug that will not make you hold water , and it is good to read your review as my weight has been going up badly since on it considering I’m also on a slight calorie deficit . I’m also on anavar 40mg per day
What’ are your thoughts ?

Well, either variety of nandrolone whether Deca or NPP will make everybody hold water, so if anyone is saying otherwise they are just wrong. That’s pretty common knowledge. Anecdotally, I have also seen reports of women holding water on Anavar-this is NOT the case in men, but I’ve seen it enough times to believe it for the ladies. And as always with Anavar…this drug is faked often and worst-case scenario is you are on Dbol lol.

Thanks for your reply I appreciate it :slight_smile: & yes I have heard of the var being faked and thought the same haha