Oh, fellahs… I have no problem with pinning every day. I LOVE pinning EOD, it’s part of my morning ritual with coffee and a vape. I actually MISS non-pin days! LOL
SubQ with 30 gauge 5/16" insulin syringe into belly fat. NO PAIN
Oh, fellahs… I have no problem with pinning every day. I LOVE pinning EOD, it’s part of my morning ritual with coffee and a vape. I actually MISS non-pin days! LOL
SubQ with 30 gauge 5/16" insulin syringe into belly fat. NO PAIN
“The second you go above 500 he’s going to cut your dosage, then what?”
If I can’t convince him that how I feel is amazing at higher levels and to keep me there… THEN I LEAVE. But it’s going to be a struggle, prolly have to go state side and pay a fortune.
When I gradually get him to prescribe 175mg a week or more and I hit 600+ but just below the guideline (110-660), I should be good. Yes, that is my plan… wear him down to TOP END of free test. He probably can’t prescribe me more “LEEEEGALLLY” that would probably push it past the top end BUT if I feel like I need to supplement, I will do so, paying careful attention to lower the doseage before bloods.
I started the week pinning 17mg, every day. (120mg / 7 = 17.14mg)
We’ll see if that brings my Free T above 400 pmol/L. I have no idea how much more effective it will be. Currently at an underwhelming 372 pmol/L. (110-660)
I want my 700 back. Argh… just may supplement after 3 month bloods and doc doesn’t increase dosage like he reluctantly did on the last appointment.
I understand we are all different, but the last time I had blood drawn my trough TT at 34mg EOD was 692. Hoping you get to 700!
Thank you brother, I’ll take all the luck I can. Pretty sure I’m going to need closer to 200mg a week (from 100mg) to achieve it as I’m only 368.9 ng/dl at 100mg. Doc reluctantly raised it to only 120mg a week.
Testosterone Total 12.8 nmol/L (6.1-27.1)
Hopefully, every day pins will shorten the mg amount needed.
From the looks of it your doctor is targeting middle ranges, that’s the only reason for such a small increase. Sooner or later you’ll have to cut this doctor loose.
Exactly. You should have seen his eyes light up as he read out my levels: “That’s where you want to be, safe zone.”
I have a feeling I will be needing to supplement, out of pocket and off script, after the next visit and he turns me down going to 150mg a week. Then it’s the cycle on/off game for bloodwork, sigh…
The safe zone is for the inexperienced, it’s no different than having training wheels on your first bicycle because you’ve never ridden before.
Tell him if he continues to act all scared of normal youthful levels you’re going your own way.
Kinda dicey here in Canuckistan but I will ask him to refer me to another Dr who isn’t opposed to higher test scripts. I don’t want to lose access to the script and free bloodwork though:
no one ever warned you boy
managing testosterone
is a vicious game
Once you figure out your dosing and the range you operate best, it’s smooth sailing. My sweat spot is between 20-25mg EOD with 25mg EOD already well over what my body can handle. On the latter dosage acne from hell, had two lumps on my head that continued to push puss out.
I got my anti-venom right here in my left pocket.
One reason why I’m pissed off is because even when my E2 was HIGH, I felt no sides, nor any physical sides like acne or gyno. It settled down to mid-normal range very nicely all on it’s own. I’m the perfect patient to up test for as I have no negative symptoms. So frustrating. Argh…
120 a week from 100 can put you in a good range. Dr increased your dose that was good. If you go up close to 600 and free t is good what’s wrong with that? If your goal is finding a Dr that wants you at the high range of normal that may be troublesome. Focus on free t.
Your in your 50s higher unnecessary test levels can cause other issues.
That is EXACTLY my goal, higher range of FREE T, like I used to be in my late forties.
I’m currently mid-range/low. President Trump at 73 or whatever has higher Free T than I. LOL
Testosterone Free Calculated 372 pmol/L (110-660)
I want that 372… BACK UP TO 600 where it was 5 years ago, naturally. No more, no less… not unreasonable, right?
It’s fine. You don’t know what 120 will do right?
If your free t is still on the low end at 120 maybe he will go higher.
Btw my Dr prescribes the 200mg/1ml vial a week even though I use less than 100 a week. If he increased to 120 how is he doing that with the vial u get?
Correct, I won’t know what 120mg will do until 10 more weeks, just doing the math with percentage increase. I know, not scientific to say the least. LOL Doesn’t look good but we’ll see.
I suspect my refill vial will be available to me sooner than the original 60 days, prolly 50 days or something… or maybe a larger bottle? I’ll let you know on refill day. Looking at my bottle, refill needed in 2 weeks.
I was talking about the vial just in case you can suggest the same and you have more t you can take even though Dr wants 120.
My insurance gave approval for the 200mg/1ml so when I persuaded dr that I needed a bit more than 100 I got lucky. But I have all this extra test know.
Technically I think he can prescribe the 200 mg and you take 120 with instructions to "discard"the rest. But some Drs and pharmacy are super anal.
Anyway am rooting for you that you will see a nice jump at 120.
Oh, I didn’t think of that one, that’s a great way to prescribe the new dosage! LOL Now I’m really curious to see how it gets dispensed, may just drop by the pharmacy tomorrow and see!
Same with my Dr… I was 8n a spot where my original urologist retired and a new one took over his Prentice. He asked how I was feeling in 100mg a week and I said I was tailing off right before my next intention. He moved me from 50mg every 3.5 days to 60mg every 3.5 days. He asked if my current prescription the way it was written would be enough and I said I didn’t think so.
He wrote me a new one to inject 200mg weekly, even thought he only wanted me at 120mg weekly… So I get 4 1ml vials every month, but don’t use it all… And I only pay $10 for all of them.
I have a little stash just in case/to play around with my dose of I want to
Jesus, my 100mg vial costs me $30 AFTER insurance… Canuckistan