My Great Experiment

So heres what happened. A few months ago I injured my shoulder fighting some guy. So after about 2 weeks of hoping for betterness (oh yeah my word) I saw some doctors. Long story short with that, I got off lucky and no tears or anything. So I was told to stop lifting.

As I couldn’t possibly do such a thing I did what any normal person would do, I squatted. Once a week for two months, my workouts would go something like this: squat until I wanted to die, and then possibly some sets of leg press, and I would always end with some calf work on the leg press machine.

An example from towards the end of the “experiment” would be .
135x8 warmup, work on getting deep
225x8 same as above
275x5 first real work set

Calf work on leg press:
Going for speed and explosiveness
6 plates total x 20
8 plates total x 20
10 plates total x 20

Well long story short my squat went from 295x1 to 345x1 in two months. I don’t know if those are gains to be proud of, but I am. For some reason my deadlift improved as well I went from a 365x1 to 385x1 but I contribute this to the rest and increase in leg strength. Strangely enough my bench didn’t really go down nearly as much as expected my old PR was 235 and the other day I hit 215. This is only after lifting for two weeks after starting again.

So my question is how viable is this as a lifting plan. Meaning, I have summer vacation coming up thats 3 months with nothing to do but organic chemistry and lifting. So as a plan to increase my PRs in the big three I propose to do something along the lines of.

Day 1:
Squat for sets in the range of 1-5 most likely about 5 real work sets
Calf work on leg press 3 sets of 20

Day 2: off

Day 3:
Bench same as squat
Barbell curl for 4 sets of 7
Tricep pulldown 4 sets of 7

Day 4: off

Day 5:
DL same as bench and squat
Bent over barbell rows 4x7
DB shrugs, our DBs only go up to 120 so most likely 4x10-12

Day 6: off

This is only a rough outline but I am posting this now as I have two weeks until summer starts and I would like to have my plan set. As well as some constructive criticism. If you think I am an idiot please feel free to tell me and help me out. My main problem here being that despite the fact that I have one of the top 2 squats in my collage gym, one of the top 5 or 6 DLs, my bench is below average., and overall I would like to be much stronger overall, though my goals for the summer are to improve my one rep maxi (what is the plural of max?).

In case you were wondering more about me I have been weight training seriously for one year. Two of those months were spent doing nothing but squatting. I am 5’ 10", 182 lbs as of yesterday, and 20 years old. Before getting into weightlifting I was a swimmer and waterpolo player. I was going to go division one for waterpolo but I decided to go to collage closer to home due to family problems, so I stopped playing polo and started weightlifting,

Thanks for the tips,

Why not just do a tried and true strength program? Something like Starting Strength or a variation of Bill Starr’s 5x5. You should really be doing the big three more than once a week if you’re trying to improve them.


I second that. No need trying to reinvent the wheel on this one.

In your injured period, did you only squat once a week?