Muscle is Worthless...

Well I just got a job doing security, working great hours and making close to $25 an hour. Only have to work 25 hours a week! All of this was brought about by muscle haha!

I am pretty stoked to say the least, being a full-time student and all, no longer under scholarship. :slight_smile:

This is not to say anyone on this site hates muscle. I just felt like sharing cause I am so excited and I get so much shit from my Mom and friends for lifting all the time.


wow you must be guarding something precious for that much dough.


'Nuff said.

[quote]spyoptic wrote:
wow you must be guarding something precious for that much dough.[/quote]

I will be working up at the Sundance Film Festival. The company I am working for wants to keep me on after to do other events and such. It is a pretty good gig, other than the 30 min drive…but I am not complaining.

Sundance? Shit…get big, get lean, clean up a bit there will be a lot of talent and people that can spot talent at that place.

Way to go!

Instead of a night stick you carry a stone hammer?

Congratulations! What kind of gear will you be carrying? What will you be spending on now that you’ll have more money?

w00t thats minimum wage for the same job in denmark

But Congrats !

[quote]blunt wrote:
w00t thats minimum wage for the same job in denmark

But Congrats ![/quote]

wow minimum wage in Denmark buys you 4 packs of cigarettes? here, only one.

if you feel good about your situation it’s great, but it is really just a mather of mindset

nope cigarrettes are more expensive in denmark so its only 3 packs… but other than that your right !

well if you buy the good brand…

buy the crap brand and you could buy 6 packs ?

but its hard to say minimum wage is differentiated here ?

so if you walk newspapers you might get 10$ an hour

but if you sit behind the cash register in what compares to costco you would have minimum 20$

[quote]blunt wrote:
nope cigarrettes are more expensive in denmark so its only 3 packs… but other than that your right !

well if you buy the good brand…

buy the crap brand and you could buy 6 packs ?

but its hard to say minimum wage is differentiated here ?

so if you walk newspapers you might get 10$ an hour

but if you sit behind the cash register in what compares to costco you would have minimum 20$[/quote]

Interestingly enough the per capita income in the US is 47000$ compared to 37000§ in Denmark.

And taxes in Denmark are higher.


Awesome OP!

You lucky bastard :frowning:

Not what I was expecting after reading the thread header. I was expecting a flame-fest well under way. Congrats to the OP.

How big are you OP? And what sort of qualifications do you have?

Dont fuck it up! lol sweet deal.

[quote]Fuzzyapple wrote:
Instead of a night stick you carry a stone hammer?[/quote]

Battle Axe…at all times

[quote]Bunyip wrote:
How big are you OP? And what sort of qualifications do you have?[/quote]

Yeah thanks guys, I am pretty damn excited.

I have no qualifications whatsoever, other than the event manager is a good friend of my dad’s. I do MMA, but I don’t think that counts really as any sort of experience.

I am floating around 265 right now @ 6’2". While I am pretty lean, my size is nothing spectacular in the bodybuilding community.

Way to go man, I worked security/protection for 15 yrs for the entertainment industry you can have alot of fun and meet amazing people and get stressed out of your mind.

Best of Luck