Well I just got a job doing security, working great hours and making close to $25 an hour. Only have to work 25 hours a week! All of this was brought about by muscle haha!
I am pretty stoked to say the least, being a full-time student and all, no longer under scholarship.
This is not to say anyone on this site hates muscle. I just felt like sharing cause I am so excited and I get so much shit from my Mom and friends for lifting all the time.
[quote]spyoptic wrote:
wow you must be guarding something precious for that much dough.[/quote]
I will be working up at the Sundance Film Festival. The company I am working for wants to keep me on after to do other events and such. It is a pretty good gig, other than the 30 min drive…but I am not complaining.
[quote]Bunyip wrote:
How big are you OP? And what sort of qualifications do you have?[/quote]
Yeah thanks guys, I am pretty damn excited.
I have no qualifications whatsoever, other than the event manager is a good friend of my dad’s. I do MMA, but I don’t think that counts really as any sort of experience.
I am floating around 265 right now @ 6’2". While I am pretty lean, my size is nothing spectacular in the bodybuilding community.
Way to go man, I worked security/protection for 15 yrs for the entertainment industry you can have alot of fun and meet amazing people and get stressed out of your mind.