I’ve been a weightlifter for 6 years - and seen myself both on a roll… and on a drag.
The one thing that’s always been present when I’m on a roll is a deep motivation. But not the motivation to look good. The source varies, but it has to be something very meaningful to me - something that may put a lump on my throat or make my hair stand. It ranges from a desire to make a contribution to improve our quality of life, to thoughts of friends in the military, to girls. Sometimes my motivations are downright geeky: The enthusiasm to make a contribution in engineering to improve our infrastructure (there’s motivations for everything). Sometimes the motivation is obvious: girls. One look and nothing need be said. And sometimes it’s the thought of a friend who manned a 50 caliber machine gun - and how 2 more repetitions can’t begin to compare.
Often, it involves those who heartlessly screwed me over - and my desire for harsh retribution that never died. Other times it involves the thought of old friends.
Something has to touch me deep down, to get me on a roll at the gym. I can’t push the hardest without that motivation.
Am I by myself here - or do you guys depend on that motivation as well?