[quote]doogie wrote:
47 in a 45 while in high school. Small town fat cop on a power trip. [/quote]
A cop on a power trip??? That’s just crazy talk.
[quote]doogie wrote:
47 in a 45 while in high school. Small town fat cop on a power trip. [/quote]
A cop on a power trip??? That’s just crazy talk.
[quote]randman wrote:
It’s ridiculous dammit![/quote]
Once I got a ticket for running a red light. It was at an intersection where they were doing a bunch of construction and they had those cheap lights hanging there. Well they had these positioned just so to where you could see both the red and the green a the same time. I seen the van in front of me turn right and I seen the green light and went no cars were coming so it wasn’t dangerous and I just didn’t even notice till halfway through the intersection my light was red. The cop was right behind me and I knew that and I pulled over before he even had his lights on because I knew what was gonna happen. I explained everything to him and he said. “Well I would just give you a warning but I can’t because there were witnesses.” WTF. That cost me $80.
How about the most ridiculous one I DIDN’T get?
Pulled over many years ago on New York State Thruway, westbound JUST west of Albany exit 24. Trooper says “clocked going 97 in a 55.” Utter shock, as I was nowhere near. Argued over the impossibility, and was assured that a car matching my description had been clocked just a few miles back by his trooper buddy at mile marker 137.
AHA! I grabbed the Thruway card I had just picked up (thank heavens this was years before EZ-Pass), thrust it (politely) in his face, and pointed out that I had JUST got on the Thruway at Albany Exit 24, which was at mile marker 141! “I was nowhere near mile marker 137!”
Trooper looked, handed card back FAST and wordlessly RUSHED back to his vehicle and pulled away, I assume to go looking for the now-far-ahead-of-him speedster.
How was I so on-the-ball? I was damn hungry, and as soon as I hit the thruway, I checked the mile marker I was at and the mile marker of the first service station so I could see how far I had to go before food was available. That’s the only reason I knew exactly where I was on that day, but I’ve never forgotten mile marker 141.
…and that’s the truth.
Got pulled over on the way to the DC Test fest for expired plates. it’s a $25 ticket in Va, but if i wanted to pay rather than go to court (I got pulled over in another district and would have had to take an entire day off to go) it would have been $97.00 with all the court fees.
I’ve gotten one ticket ever. Driving the wrong way down a one way, when I was 18-years-old.
Can you imagine me in the courtroom with hundreds of other traffic offenders, their names then offenses being announced while they apporoach the stand? “John Doe, 75 mph in a 25 mph area, Jane Doe, 90 mph in a 55 mph area…” Then my name being called, “xxx, Going the Wrong Way down a One-Way street.” The courtroom broke out in laughter, even the judge and courtroom staff. My answer to the judge the courtroom found equally as entertaining, so the judge let me off with a warning, and the courtroom clapped and cheered. I was so embarassed.
Made me seem like some little lady driver but the back story was that me and two friends were driving around drinking hard liquor in my car, when we came upon a roadblock, and the only way out was one road just before the cops, so I turned there to buy time while my friends took our drinks and bottle and hid them under the car seat. The cops ran toward us shouting and angry, knowing we were trying to get away. I played the roll by saying that we didn’t want to have to wait that long to get through the road block, we had a curfew and needed to get home. They checked our ID’s and shined their flashlights into our car, but ended up letting us go after giving us a ticket. Lucky I didn’t get a DUI or worse.
Not the only one who has a fuckin jaywalking ticket on there name.
I hit the lights, the pedestrian lights, started walkin, realized the cars wasn’t stopping, so jetted…
Cops were second car in and pulls me over. I’m like…are you seriously giving me a jaywalking ticket? Come on, go bust some crack heads. the cop couldn’t even find the ticket code…he was going to give me drunk in public, which I was not!
Long story short…I spent a morning in court and the cop didn’t show. thrown out.
Second retarded ticket 15 days later, Following too close, a 4 demerit point ticket which means major insurance increase. I got the ticket in rush hour traffic and the cop was closer to me than I was to the guy in front of me…he basically pushed my ass up and pulled me over. I didn’t argue, but when it got to court the judge laughed and threw it out saying it’s impossible not to be too close in rush hour traffic. No 120 dollar fine and no demerit points on my insurance.
long story short…ALWAYS ALWAYS go to court and fight this shit…I’m sure the cop was trying to fill his quota. I didn’t want to cry, I wanted to grab that little skiiny cop bitch and ring his attitude filled neck.
Good day!
Way back in the 70’s I got stopped for going 45 mph in a 60 mph zone (interstate highway). I was stoned and actually thought I was speeding!!
OK, I have a pretty good one. This happened to an old room mate.
At school one year we lived in a big house on the corner of a relatively busy intersection. One of our room mates was drunk 90% of the time. Huge boozer.
Anyway, it’s Sunday night and he somehow gets hold of a working flash light.
He then comes to the obvious conclusion that he needs to take it outside and stand in the middle of the four way intersection (stop signs) and direct traffic.
He is out there for quite a while, and is really getting into it. Easily 15 minutes. He is spinning around, dancing, really working it.
We are sitting on the deck, watching.
He turns around and of course, a cop is sitting there at the stop sign.
The roomate doesn’t miss a beat and proceeds to motion him through. The cop wasn’t amused and turns on his rollers. It was all over.
He got like a $70 ticket for intoxicated pedestrian.
However, it was so entertaining, we all kicked in and it ended up not costing him a thing.
I was in driving class and one of the girls that had to go to the class with me was there because she was in NYC at a red traffic light and an ambulance came up behind her flashing its lights so she pulled out to get out of the way away and pulled into the intersection where a cop across the street gave her a ticket for running a red light…
[quote]slimjim wrote:
Funny this thread came up because this weekend I got a fucking jwalking ticket at 430am Sunday morning while I was out jogging…hahaha, okay I was coming back from the bar, but I walked over a mile back to my apartment instead of driving and I’m rewarded with a 75 dollar ticket from a cop who tells me I did a very dangerous thing and he’s doing it to protect me in the future…fuck you very much cop, you can take your protection and shove it deep up your self-righteous ass.[/quote]
Hahaha… Harold and Kumar.
[quote]Shaved wrote:
Yeah it was agrivating to say the least. [/quote]
I apologize in advance because I’m on medication. But…
Thank you.
[quote]apwsearch wrote:
OK, I have a pretty good one. This happened to an old room mate.
At school one year we lived in a big house on the corner of a relatively busy intersection. One of our room mates was drunk 90% of the time. Huge boozer.
Anyway, it’s Sunday night and he somehow gets hold of a working flash light.
He then comes to the obvious conclusion that he needs to take it outside and stand in the middle of the four way intersection (stop signs) and direct traffic.
He is out there for quite a while, and is really getting into it. Easily 15 minutes. He is spinning around, dancing, really working it.
We are sitting on the deck, watching.
He turns around and of course, a cop is sitting there at the stop sign.
The roomate doesn’t miss a beat and proceeds to motion him through. The cop wasn’t amused and turns on his rollers. It was all over.
He got like a $70 ticket for intoxicated pedestrian.
However, it was so entertaining, we all kicked in and it ended up not costing him a thing.[/quote]
That’s hilarious! I would have let him go after taking a picture.
Pulled over for riding my bicycle while intoxicated at the beach town where I was working. I knew I was going to be drinking that’s why I took my bike out that night.
Cop took my bike to the station and made me walk. I had to go get it the next day at the police station.
I also got a ticket on the NJ Tpke. for going 88mph. I was driving a 68 chevy pickup loaded with building materials in the right lane. The truck was at least 12 yrs. old 200K miles on it. I told the trooper it couldn’t go 88 mph. empty and going downhill. He reduced the ticket to 60mph.
noise pollution, three times.
Havent gotten a ticket in awile, but I think alot depends on where you live. I grew up a few streets outside detroit. Never had a problem with the cops. I was pulled over once in 8 years of driving. A year ago I moved into one of the wealthiest suburbs in metro detroit. Ive been pulled over for basically no reason 5 TIMES since I moved. Basically, I dont look like someone or drive a car that belongs in the area.
I got 107 in a 65, @ 3 in the afternoon.Once pulled over the cop told me he had the lights on for the last mile.
Lying, I told him I was in a hurry to the emergency room b/c my blood sugar was 570 an I was closer to the hosp then home to get insulin (however I am diabetic) He says “YOU don’t look like your in shock or sick” & still got ticketed.
I later went to court an got it dismissed due to my “illness” an the Judge sympathised w/ me (stating he was diabetic himself) an he (the judge) understood that a person w/ high reading may feel an urgency to get to a hospital; And that next time I should just call an ambulance an be picked up if such matters should happen again.
It worked once, don’t know if I could pull that one off again.The ticket was going to be like $470 somewhat dollars.
I got one for excessive acceleration leaving my high school years ago.
Cops were just jealous of my mullet mobile! (Yeah right!)
Spring break junior year of college in Ft. Lauderdale. I am making out with this blonde on the beach and just as we are about to get “into” it… someone taps me on the shoulder and shines a flash light in my face. As the cop starts to write a ticket, the chick pulls out an NYPD badge and the cop stops writing. Then he says, if you are going to do that, the dont do it so close to the street. She was embarrrassed as shit but we visited the empty life guard shack a bit further down the beach shortly thereafter. True story.
A few years ago I was cruising through town on my crotch rocket. I stopped at a light and looked over to my right. Another crotch rocket. I revved my motor and he responded in kind. I glanced at the light and back at the other guy. He nodded. I proceeded to get into my best launch position and started revving the machine hard. The light turned green and the guy in the right lane took off! I just idled away from the light for right behind the other guy was a cop car.
I know, it was a cruel thing to do, but damned funny at the same time. The cop let him off with an improper start violation. I think he found the whole thing a bit amusing too.
Worst ticket… 98 mph in a 45 mph zone. It was the only clear reading on the officer’s radar as I was hard on the brakes when I saw his headlights. I was hitting somewhere around 130 mph when I first saw him. That little stunt even got me in the local paper’s Police Blotter.
After that, I took it to the track until I got married and family life took over.