[quote]DBCooper wrote:
[quote]pittbulll wrote:
[quote]DBCooper wrote:
[quote]pittbulll wrote:
[quote]DBCooper wrote:
Yeah it’s fucked up about what happened, but so fucking what? Horrible shit goes down all the time. Sometimes the cops make mistakes; it’s a tough job and it’s ridiculous to think that something like won’t happen. It shouldn’t happen, but it’s going to. What does this have to do with the war on drugs? This is a procedural failure, not a policy failure. They could have been serving any sort of high alert-type warrant and gotten things fouled up. Shit, we don’t even know what really happened. One quote from an officer and one from the victim’s fiance who was hiding? No criminal record? It’s not inconceivable for someone with no record and a pregnant fiance to also be a bigtime drug dealer who may or may not be armed and dangerous. And it wasn’t even confirmed if they did indeed get the wrong address or resident. Not probable, but not impossible either.[/quote]
They were hiding because they did not know they were cops , I have to think you are trolling. Other wise I would think you would feel fine if the cops fucked up at your house. And if you are a cop defending this stupidity , you are what is wrong with cops ( No Remorse )[/quote]
Really? The man’s fiance says they were hiding because they thought they were being robbed so it must be true, right? You don’t know shit about what happened there just like I don’t. Just because this woman alleges that the cops did not identify themselves does not make it so. And to insinuate that I would be fine with the cops mistakenly invading my home because I don’t blindly assume that the statement of this man’s fiance is 100% accurate is ridiculous. There’s no connection between the two. You can go on refusing to believe that it is possible that this man and woman were in fact the legitimate targets of a justifiably dangerous raid. Of course I wouldn’t be ok with the cops fucking up at my house, but if you automatically accept that the cops did indeed fuck up based on one or two statements from a woman who is clearly not an objective source regardless of what actually happened, you’re a fucking dunce.
I am not a cop and don’t even know anyone that well who is one, and I generally don’t really like the police a whole lot. But what does this “alleged” example of human error (in a situation where human error is a very real possibility) have to do with the war on drugs? Does this incident even deserve its own thread? I suppose you thought it did because you have some pre-conceived, unshifting notion that the police are inherently wrong in their actions and you lack the independent thinking to view an episode like this from more than one perspective.
To you, it is an impossibility for the cops to not be at fault, and all I’m saying is that it is wholly ignorant and narrow-minded to even suggest that the cops definitely did fuck up in this case based on one woman’s statement immediately after the death of her fiance. It is even more illogical to prop this up as an example of what’s wrong with the war on drugs. I only wish I could give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that it is YOU who are trolling, but I’ve seen too many of your other posts to even allow you that much slack. No, you seem to have a rigid, unwavering view of the world that you let be shaped by your equally rigid political beliefs.[/quote]
I can not wrap my head around your argument , Ok the people may have jay walked before in their life and maybe they are not the most objective. But in my 50 some years expeirience I find that the cops are not an objective witness either.
I watched the cops hand cuff an 80 neibor of mine that they thought was involved in a hit and run . When they found out their mistake . he did not even get an apology. The Cops used to be what they called peace officers , today they are wanabe soldiers. With the SWAT teams , when the only tool you have is a hammer then all your problems look like nails
You are entitled to your opinions . I can not see how any one could defend the cops in this [/quote]
Of course the police are equally unobjective as the fiance, but what is it that makes you jump to the side of the “victim” rather than the police when faced with two highly subjective viewpoints? Is it life experience? Dealt with some bad cops? Sure, but I bet you’ve dealt with some criminals as well in some way, shape or form. What about those two different experiences makes you lend more creedence to the fiance rather than the police?[/quote]
I jump to the VICTIMS defense because the cops are as culpable for shooting an unarmed man as any criminal . The war on drugs sets the Police against honorable people then the cops want to say that jay walkers can be very dangerous . I knoe Jay Waliking is against the law . I have dealt with criminals . The big point that make the differense between cop and victim is the victim was shot not the cop. Now if the cop were shot they would IMO be justified in killing the shooter