Modi: Startin' from Scratch

Well, since I haven’t posted in my old log: MODI'S Log - Training Logs - Forums - T Nation for about a month, it’s time to start over.

I’ve been fighting one injury after the next, so I’m putting powerlifting on the back burner because I just can’t seem to train intelligently that way right now. As soon as one injury starts to heal, I push it too hard and set myself back. First I started with a major adductor strain w/adhesions that took 6 months of PT to resolve. In the process of compensating for the right adductor, I did the same thing to my left glute, and spent another 6-8 months rehabbing that.

Then I had what I thought was a hernia, but I guess we’re calling it a lower abdominal strain for now. Next I strained some intercostals that hurt everytime I Squatted, DL’ed or did any mid/upper back movements. And most recently I inflamed my right elbow tendinitis so bad that I resorted to using wrist straps for the last 4 weeks of my training. I took two easy weeks and then last week was medium.

For the next 4 months I’m going back to where I started 4 and half years ago, before I started PL’ing. This will force me to stay in a higher rep range and methodically work back towards the heavy stuff.

I’m going back to HSS-100.

I’ll be setting the HSS-100 program up as follows:

Mon: Shoulders
Tues: Squat/Quads
Wed: Bench
Thurs: Back (upper and lower)
Fri: Bi’s & Tri’s

For those that don’t know HSS-100, it’s one of CT’s programs.

S-Special exercise
100-100 rep set

Each month has it’s own number of sets, reps an rest time for each exercise. I’m listing the sets, reps and rest for my own future reference.

1st month:
Heavy: 4-5 sets, 6-8 reps, 90-120 sec rest
Superset: 3 sets, 10-12 reps, no rest
…3 sets, 8-10 reps, 60-90 sec rest
Special Ex: 3-4 sets, 10-12 reps, 45-60 sec rest
100: 1 set, 100 reps, done

2nd Month:
Heavy: 4-5 sets, 4-6 reps, 120-150 sec rest
Superset: 3 sets, 6-8 reps, no rest
…3 sets, 8-10 reps, 60-90sec rest
Special Ex: 3-4 sets, 8-10 reps, 45-60 sec rest
100: 1 set, 100 reps, done

Week 3:
Heavy: 4-5 sets, 8-10 reps, 60-90 sec rest
Superset: 1-2 sets, 10-12 reps, no rest
…1-2 sets, 8-10 reps, no rest
…1-2 sets, 12-15 reps, 60-90 sec rest
Special Ex: 3 sets, 12-15 reps, 45-60 sec rest
100: 1 set, 100 reps, done

Week 4:
Heavy: 5-6 sets, 1-3 reps, 150-180 sec rest
Superset: 3 sets, 4-6 reps, no rest
…3 sets, 6-8 reps, 60-90 sec rest
Special Ex: 3-4 sets, 6-8 reps, 45-60 sec rest
100: 1 set, 100 reps, done

04/11/11 - Accumulation Phase Week 1 Day 1 (Shoulders)

H) Barbell Shoulder Press

S1) DB Lateral Raise

S2) DB Shoulder Press

S) Cable X Upright Row

  1. Band Pullaparts

I started light today, I don’t want to be missing reps on week one of any of the phases, and I also forgot my elbow sleeves, so I didn’t know how heavy I could go before lighting up my tendinitis. It felt good to be training with a purpose. I will be doing more training at a commercial gym than normal because I need access to a variety of equipment. Nice change of scenery.

04/12/11 - Accumulation Phase Week 1 Day 2 (Squat)

H) Squat

S1) Leg Extension

S2) Leg Press

S) Bulgarian Split Squat

  1. Ab/Ad

I will add 40-50lbs a week on Squat, just to ease into it. I just don’t need to aggrivate the abdominal strain right now. Obviously they felt light and quick. The first couple supersets of Leg Ext/Leg Press weren’t that bad, but the third one started to take it’s toll. I haven’t supersetted legs in a long time. I’m not sure about the Bulgarians for my Special Exercise, I may do some kind of Step up instead. I did Abduction and Adduction for 50 reps each for a little rehabby stuff.

I here ya on the injury front. Only I manage them with mediocre weights. Ha.

Good luck.

Your still strong as fuck.

Thanks guys. If nothing else, at least it’s good to be back training with a purpose. I haven’t trained with timed rest intervals in quite a while. What feels like a relatively easy weight on the first set is kicking my ass by the 4th and 5th sets.

04/13/11 - Accumulation Phase Week 1 Day 3 (Bench)

H) Bench Press

S1) Incline DB Fly

S2) Incline DB Press

S) Perfect Pushups

  1. Cable Crossovers

Wow. 255 for 8 felt like a warmup set for the first two sets. The next one felt about right. The 4th one felt really hard, and I only got 6 reps on the last set. This should improve pretty quickly once my body adjusts to the shorter rest, but right now it’s a reality check.

I couldn’t think of anything else to do for the 100 rep set, so I did Cable Crossovers. I never felt it in my chest, but my right biceps tendon lit up at about rep number 40. I closed my eyes for the next 60 reps.

That’s how it starts, first its injury, then its changing the workout routine, and then you find yourself on stage wearing tight speedo’s posing…LOL,

Hey man, glad to see you are back. Good luck with the healing process, it sucks…

[quote]SergeantQ wrote:
That’s how it starts, first its injury, then its changing the workout routine, and then you find yourself on stage wearing tight speedo’s posing…LOL,

Hey man, glad to see you are back. Good luck with the healing process, it sucks…[/quote]

Haha. No way. Speedo’s and me don’t mix.

04/14/11 - Accumulation Phase Week 1 Day 4 (Back)

H) Low Pull

S1) DB Pullover

S2) Cybex Functional Trainer Lat Pulldown

S) Blast Rows

  1. Rear Delt Pullaparts

04/16/11 - Accumulation Phase Week 1 Day 5 (Bi’s & Tri’s)

A) EZ Curl

B) Concentration Curls

C) Nose Breakers

D) Rope Pushdown

I decided against HSS-100 for Bi’s and Tri’s and stuck with a more traditional set/rep. I trained at home and didn’t have a whole lot of variety today.

04/18/11 - Accumulation Phase Week 2 Day 1 (Shoulders)

H) Barbell Shoulder Press

S1) DB Lateral Raise

S2) DB Shoulder Press

S) Cable X Upright Row

  1. Medial Delt Band Pullaparts

I felt pretty good today. I’m so used to Squatting on Mondays, that I forgot today was a shoulder day. I didn’t bring my elbow sleeves to the gym, but the tendinitis didn’t bother me at all.

I increased the weight on all exercises today. I will probably do the same increase again next week, but leave side delt raise at 25lbs and increase to 12 reps each

04/19/11 - Accumulation Phase Week 2 Day 2 (Squat)

H) DB Lunge

S1) Leg Extension

S2) Leg Press

S) Single Leg Squat

  1. Ab/Ad

I couldn’t get a Squat rack today. Now I remember why I hate commercial gyms. Just keep telling myself “lunges are good for me, lunges are good for me.”

I increased the weight on everything else. Still feeling pretty good. I was doing the inner/outer thigh machine by someone I know. I tried explaining that I was doing it for rehab on my groin/glute tear as he tried whipping out his cell phone camera. Luckily I was quicker, and there is no hard evidence that I was using a “girl machine” as he put it.

04/20/11 - Accumulation Phase Week 2 Day 3 (Bench)

H) Bench Press

S1) Incline DB Fly

S2) Incline DB Press

S) Perfect Pushups

  1. Tubing Crossovers

04/21/11 - Accumulation Phase Week 2 Day 4 (Back)

H) Low Pull

S1) DB Pullover

S2) Cybex Functional Trainer Lat Pulldown

S) Blast Rows

  1. Rear Delt Pullaparts

I felt good today. I ended up training a few hours later than usual due to a hectic day, and wasn’t sure how I’d squeeze a workout it, but my day opened up, and my energy was good. I bumped the weight up on everything and still felt solid.

04/23/11 - Bi’s & Tri’s

A) EZ Curl

B) DB Curl

C1) Nose Breakers

C2) Close Grip EZ Press

D) Rope Pushdown

Eh. I was hungover and felt worse than I looked. Better effort than expected considering.

04/25/11 - Accumulation Phase Week 3 Day 1 (Shoulders)

H) Barbell Shoulder Press

S1) DB Lateral Raise

S2) DB Shoulder Press

S) Cable X Upright Row

  1. Medial Delt Band Pullaparts

Shoulders felt strong today. I will up these again to 185 next week. I don’t think I can go to 30’s on the lateral raise without a bad cheat, so I will keep these where they are. I’ll bump the DB Shoulder Press to 65’s next week. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, but supersetting them with lateral raise is definitely more challenging.

04/27/11 - Accumulation Phase Week 3 Day 2 (Squat)

H) Squat

S1) Leg Extension

S2) Leg Press

S) Bulgarian Split Squat

  1. Ab/Ad

Legs felt good today, but I could feel the abdominal strain wanting to flare up. I had to be very strict with body position not to reaggrivate it. I decided that as much as I hate the Bulg split squat, it’s a very effective exercise, and I’ll keep doing them.

Looks like training is going very well. Are you still doing PT?

[quote]BlackLabel wrote:
Are you still doing PT?[/quote]

Nope. I flunked out (ran out of insurance visits), and my PT moved away.

04/27/11 - Accumulation Phase Week 3 Day 3 (Bench)

H) Bench Press

S1) Incline DB Fly

S2) Incline DB Press

S) Med Ball Pushups

  1. Tubing Crossovers

I don’t seem to be progressing here. I may have to move my Bench day to Mondays, and move Shoulders to Wed. Benching two days after overhead pressing is getting me nowhere.

04/28/11 - Accumulation Phase Week 3 Day 4 (Back)

H) Low Pull

S1) DB Pullover

S2) Cybex Functional Trainer Lat Pulldown

S) Blast Rows

  1. Rear Delt Pullaparts