Well, since I haven’t posted in my old log: MODI'S Log - Training Logs - Forums - T Nation for about a month, it’s time to start over.
I’ve been fighting one injury after the next, so I’m putting powerlifting on the back burner because I just can’t seem to train intelligently that way right now. As soon as one injury starts to heal, I push it too hard and set myself back. First I started with a major adductor strain w/adhesions that took 6 months of PT to resolve. In the process of compensating for the right adductor, I did the same thing to my left glute, and spent another 6-8 months rehabbing that.
Then I had what I thought was a hernia, but I guess we’re calling it a lower abdominal strain for now. Next I strained some intercostals that hurt everytime I Squatted, DL’ed or did any mid/upper back movements. And most recently I inflamed my right elbow tendinitis so bad that I resorted to using wrist straps for the last 4 weeks of my training. I took two easy weeks and then last week was medium.
For the next 4 months I’m going back to where I started 4 and half years ago, before I started PL’ing. This will force me to stay in a higher rep range and methodically work back towards the heavy stuff.
I’m going back to HSS-100.