I’m 2/3 of the way through my test e 500/week cycle. I picked up a bottle of cyp for cheap from my source he had it extra asked if I wanted. So I’m curious if I started to stack it with my test e during this final month would it be a waste since it’s a long ester? Or am I better off holding onto it until a future cycle.
test e and test c are very close to the same half life. You seem confused on that point. There is absolutely no reason to ‘stack’ these two compounds. If you simply want to add to the strength of the cycle, raise the dose of test e to 750. No reason to add the cyp unless you just run out of e.
test e and test c are very close to the same half life. You seem confused on that point. There is absolutely no reason to ‘stack’ these two compounds. If you simply want to add to the strength of the cycle, raise the dose of test e to 750. No reason to add the cyp unless you just run out of e.
Alright I was a little confused on that but could I mix the cyp to up my doseage then or is it to late into the cycle with only a month remaining?
[quote]Shawrty4 wrote:
Alright I was a little confused on that but could I mix the cyp to up my doseage then or is it to late into the cycle with only a month remaining?[/quote]
well, why?
why do you NEED to raise the dose at this point?
Fair enough I see where your going with this. Someone told me I should just mix them so I came to you guys for some real advice. Sounds like I should just hold onto it.
Literally same shit. Use it if you run out of test-e but no benefit in mixing them.