Mica5h Transformation 2019

It looks like this program is agreeing with you. I avoid widowmakers myself (my 20 rep squat experiment the other week notwithstanding) just because at my age, super high reps really wreck my recovery.

So far it’s working pretty well. I feel better. I have to continually remind myself to follow the guidelines I’ve set. For example, yesterday I felt good on DL and considered doing the full 20 rep Widowmaker set, but I had to remember that it was that kind of thing (along with stress, poor nutrition, lack of sleep) that nearly killed me a few months ago.

17 April - Mobility/Conditioning
AirDyne Bike - 15 minutes; 4.5 miles

18 April-squat/bench
Bar x12
95 x5
220 x3+ (got 6)
Widow maker 170x20

Bar x12
170x3+ (got 6)
Widow maker 130x20

Kroc row 76# x31 (L/R)

Felt great this workout! Everything moved well. Did the squat widow maker straight through, without stopping. Great day.

23 April - DL/OHP
135 x5
185 x3
235 x5
270 x3
300 x1+ (Got 4)
Widowmaker 235 x10 (Sumo)

bar x12
65 x8
95 x8
3x8 @108
I used a wider grip than normal, put my pinkies about an inch from the ring. I’ve had elbow trouble from OHP in the past so I thought I’d see if this helps. I’m pumped I got all three sets.

Then I did an overload? I forget what it’s called, but I set the bar high for the OHP at 185# and held it for 10 sec. Then did a pin pull at 465# for the DL, just a couple inches, and held that for 10 sec also.

Kroc Row - 75 x31 (L/R)(no straps)

I went in today feeling way bad. I was angry for not reason I could think of, and have been for a couple days. After this workout I feel like a new person. Looking back, I haven’t lifted or really done any physical activity since Thursday (4 days off). I wonder if I’m addicted to lifting, or exercising, or something. It was almost like I was going through withdrawls.
Do you all ever get this way?

24 April - Mobility/Conditioning
Bear Crawl Sled Drag (approx 20 yds)(drag down, push back)
empty sled
+115 and 1 third grader

25 April - Squat/Bench - Widowmaker - Kroc Row
Bench and Squat were supersets, and I threw in come DB curls between them on the warmup weights.

bar x12
65 x5
95 x5
115 x5
135 x2
140 x5
155 x3
175 x1+ (got 4)
Widowmaker - 140 x20
Heavy Press Hold (10 sec) x255

bar x12
95 x5
115 x5
135 x5
165 x3
185 x5
210 x3
235 x1+ (got 4)
Widowmaker -185 x20
Heavy Walkout (10 sec) x405

Kroc Rows 80# (L/R)

26 April - Throws/Assistance
Done as a circuit for 5 rounds
Standing OH Med ball throw x4
Dips x12
Pull Ups x5
Back Extension x15

29 April - 206lbs - DL/OHP
135 x5
185 x3
210 x5
245 x5
275 x5+ (got 8)
Widowmaker - 210 x10 (Sumo)

bar x12
65 x8
95 x8
105 (3x8)

DL Overload - 505 hold/10 sec off pins
OHP Overload - 185 hold/10 sec

Kroc Row - 85 x31 (L/R)

I need to focus on bracing my core for the lifts. I used to feel the tightness against the belt, but I’m not feeling it now. I’ll think about that for the work this week.
I think I’m putting too much English on the Kroc Rows. I felt some soreness in my lower back after the first set, so I tightened up for the second and it was okay. I’ll do the 85’s again next time and make sure I’m good on it.
The DL overload made me realize how much I want a 500+ DL. So there’s a long term goal. Slow and steady, slow and steady.
I finally got the OHP numbers, so next time will be 110 (3x8). Slow and steady.

30 April - Jumps/Assistance BW=206.7
5 round circuit
box jump x4 - 20in, 24in, 30in (x3)
pull ups x6
push ups x20
HLR x10

1 May - Mobility/Conditioning BW=206.3
Sled Sprints
Sled+35# 10x20yds (60 sec rest)

2 May - Squat/Bench BW=208
Bar x12
95 x5
115 x5
135 x3
165 x5
190 x5
215 x5+ (got 8)
Ran out of time for widowmakers
Overload 405 x10 sec

Bar x12
75 x5
95 x5
115 x3
125 x5
145 x5
160 x5+ (got 8)
ran out of time for widowmakers
Overload 255 x10 sec

Kroc Row
85# x31 (L/R)

3 May - Throws/Assistance BW=206.4
5 Round Circuit
Standing Med Ball Chest Pass x4
Pull Ups x6
Bulgarian SS x10/leg
Dips x12

Good workout today. Pumped I got all 6 pull ups for each set. So next time each set will be 7.

4 May mobility/conditioning BW=205.something

Sled sprints
10x 20yds w/ 60 sec rest
Sled +35 (135)
Tried it barefoot on turf. Now the pad on my left big toe is shredded. Lesson learned.

5 May rest.

6 May - DL/OHP BW=205.4
135 x5
185 x3
225 x3
260 x3
295 x3+ (got 6)
WM - 225 x10 (Sumo)
Overload - 505 x10 sec (slightly lower pull than last week)

OHP - find 3 rep max
bar x12
65 x5
95 x5
105 x3
115 x3
125 x3
135 x3
Overload 185 x10sec

Kroc Row
90 x31 (L/R)(strapless)

Starting the log back up. Following the Prowler Challenge in Beyond 5/3/1.
BW = 216
Mon, Aug 26
10 x 40yd sprints (+90#), untimed rest
total time, about 30 minutes
rest varied from 60 sec to 3 minutes. Not all sprints were sprints. I look forward to completing this challenge.

Wed, Aug 28
10 x 40yd sprints (+90#), untimed rest
total time, about 30 minutes

Fri, 30 Aug
10 x 40yds sprints (+90#), untimed rest
total time, about 25 minutes

3 Sept
10 x40yds (+90#), untimed rest
total time, just over 30 minutes
had 2 other people cycle in, which helped keep the rest time consistent. I feel much better doing this.

updated photo?