I know this isnt a popular question and many of you may choose not to respond. Which sex is more superficial? Men, women? or both equally?
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My understanding of the word superficial is someone who never gets beyond the surface of a situation, who puts on airs, who is not genuine, and has no depth of character. I don’t think you can peg one sex or the other in this category. I think it is more a matter of the individual person. Having said that, however, I think that women tend to be labelled superficial more often than men. Perhaps this is because men are less complicated human beings and don’t often put on the kinds of pretenses that would label them as superficial.
So basically if I dont have money, I need to be a perfect physical specimen to be with a woman, but if I am rich, I can get away with being slightly repulsive. Thats what I get from that t-mag article you reference, shithead. Nice name, BTW
Yeah shithead is right. Don’t you know there is no such thing as an ugly doctor.
I think women get blamed for being superficial more often than men, but I think it is completely equal.
You always here woman say he’s not my type even before they get to know the guy. Woman are for sure more picky then men when it comes to dating. Most times guys will take a girl out unless she’s overweight.
i saw this on an old PI and it made a lot of sense to me. Basically Maher said that women through media outlets tend to have this image of being superior to men. Men are just animals and want sex. Like number one websites for men are porn ones. But women are … SHOPPING. and then he asked which is a more shallow quality that of sex or materialism.
Okay, I’m going to reveal something that I really dont ever talk about. I have a FLAW that I consider to be minor and noticeable only if you look really hard. Usually it takes a while for people to notice after they have met me. When I was in college, I met lots of girls, but I do believe that once they noticed my physical flaw, they couldnt go any further with me. so I always found myself rejected. Well I asked my uncle to let me borrow his older model porsche, and guess what ? All this young babes who thought I wasnt good enough for them before suddenly started liking me. Obviously my flaw wasnt that great, but I bet they never would have overlooked it if they didnt see dollar signs. Maybe it is just coincidence?
I dont think it’s just the media. I was in the park just a few days ago warming up for my daily run. As I was walking by there was this group of young girls (probably about 12) walkin towards me, while there was a group of young guys sitting on one of the benches. As the girls are walkin by one kid shouts “hey baby, can i get a piece?” The girl says “I dont know you like that.” I think part of the probably is that lots of guys are BEGGING for sex from women, and it starts early.
I remember reading somewhere in one of T.C.s columns about the point system. When women look at guys, they’re tallying points, and as long as the grand total comes to a certain number, they don’t care where the points come from. So if you’re lacking in the physique department, you can make it up in the $$$ or “personality” rounds. Whereas guys tend to require a minimum number of points in each category. A girl can score perfect 10s across the board, but if she fails to meet the minimum requiremnt in one area, she’s out. That’s the best explanantion I’ve ever come across.
I don’t think that being picky as to who you date is the same as being superficial. Superficial is equivalent to shallow, or allowing surface things (such as looks and money) to drive ones decisions. Being selective about who you date is not the same thing–for men or women–unless your selection is solely based on just appearance or financial status. Generally people will also look at personality, breeding, intelligence, etc. when deciding who to date (more than just once).
hmmm ok, I understand. But I really mean those who base everything on looks. That is what I was refering to. Those who let looks overwhelm personality.
If your flaw is so minor, are you sure that it isn’t just your reaction to it that’s eliciting the negative response from women, rather than their natural reaction? What is this flaw… maybe we can get a response from some of the T-babes.
I dont know about my reaction or attitude. I feel I act natural ( or as natural as anyone else). Usually things go fine up until the point at which they notice. Anyway, as for what my problem actually is, if you have ever seen the movie “A Knight’s Tale” with Heath Ledger, his opponent in the movie (Adhemar?) has a cast eye sort of like mine, but his is more like mine on my worst day. I will say this, I spent the last 3 months in France and Germany, and I got nothing but good reactions from women, but then again that could be cause I’m american.