Meltdown Training Question

I have a question about this training method and the exercises involved. I’ve had 3 back operations on my tailbone from where I had a cyst. Needless to say I’m concerned about doing exercises such as Squats and Deadlift’s. I don’t have a workout partner, and I would hate to ask someone for a spot over an over when doing the exercises.

My question is would I still benefit from the training method if I did exercises other than squats and deadlifts? To date I have been using machines, so could I just follow the guidelines of doing upper then lower body sets but not doing squats and deadlifts? Or is the whole premise that squats and deadlifts provide the effect needed to attain the hormone boost?


i believe so bro, i asked similar questions due to havng problems in my hips due to lack of mobility with my sacro iliac joint. but you have to do them even if its only partial reps.

and by the way even though it sounds quite funny, i have a cyst in the same place, you had by the sounds of it, and im looking at getting it removed even though ive been told i wont be lifting for a couple of weeks. do u think the effect of post op could be long term.

It depends on the kind of operation that you have to remove the cyst. If they leave you closed up, about two weeks to a month recovery time where I’d suggest you don’t do anything but rest. Also, eat a lot of fiber, I used metamucil myself, because post-op, pooping will hurt like hell.

If they leave you open,(which happened to me on my last operation), you will be probably in bed for two weeks. Following that it will take a few months for the wound to totally heal from the inside out. What they do is cut a huge hole, cut out the infected tissue and leave you like that. You then have to have someone stuff gauze soaked in saline soultion, called Packing, into that area until it heals. It’s a very long and very very painfull process.

See if it’s at all possible if you can take antibotics to cure the cyst. It would be better for you in the long run if you can use drugs to have it go away rather than surgery. I’m not sure how in the long term aspect, the operation could effect your ability to workout or not. It will certainly slow you down after the operation, but hopefully that’s it.