Mary and Tim’s Workout Log

May 27, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 4ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Norwegian 4×4 training method
Rogue Echo Bike
4 minute warm up 50, 55, 60, 65 rpm 143 bpm
3 minute rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 153 64 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 153 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 154 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 155 63 rpm
3 minute cool down (easy walking)

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
side planks
bird dogs

Tuesday, May 28, 2024
3 problems
15, 20, 15 push ups
1 Trapbar Deadlift 225# 5 sets
10 second 2 hang on 25, 20, & 15 mm edge
10 pronators each arm
3 rounds

Hangboard 7-13 Training
(7 seconds on + 13 seconds rest) x 6 reps (120 seconds total)
7 sets on the 4 minutes
3 sets on each:
20 mm edge
2 Finger Pocket-L -35#
Full Crimp -35#

Worked in:
5 sets of 10 push ups
5 sets of 5 KB Deadlifts 88#
3 sets of 20 band pull aparts

Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Turkish Get Ups
2 each side @ 35, 45, 53 62#

1 clean+1 press+2 squats+3 Pull Ups
20 rounds EMOM
Alternate sides w/clean-press-squat
53# kettlebell

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

Thursday, May 30, 2024
Zone 2 Treadmill 45 minutes 3.5 mph @ 12% incline
Average HR: 122
High HR: 129

Saturday, June 1, 2024
Bouldered at Rock Mill with Kent and Randy. Climbed 5 new purples, 3 of the 4 new blues, and one new white (flash). Worked on an additional white and came really close to sending. Took several bigger falls and my back is feeling a little beat up.

Sunday, June 2, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 4ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

5 Goblet Squat/5 Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings 35, 45, 53##
Neutral Grip Pull ups x 5 reps 0, 10, 20#
KB Armbars x 5 reps each side 35, 45, 53#
Shoulder Mobilization Routine
-20 band pull aparts
-10 band dislocates
-Cable Face Pulls x 10 reps 35#
10 Pronators
3 rounds

4 sets of:
Goblet Squats x 6 reps 60#
Reverse Hyper x 15 reps 120#
60 Seconds
Dips x 6 reps 0, 0, 10, 10#
60 seconds
TRX Inverted Rows x 6 reps +25# plate
60 seconds

3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch
Back loosened up nicely. It will probably stiffen up later in the day.

45 minute Zone 2 later in the afternoon.
Average HR 123
Max 133

Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Climbed at Shaker Rock with Kent. Lead and top roping. Finished on Kilter Board. I did a couple of V3s and V4s.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Norwegian 4×4 training method
Rogue Echo Bike
4 minute warm up 50, 55, 60, 65 rpm 147 bpm
3 minute rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 154 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 156 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 156 62 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 154 60 rpm
3 minute cool down (easy walking)
Seemed harder to maintain my rpm at 63 today. My heart rate shows this. Very humid.

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
Couch Stretch
Frog Stretch

Thursday, June 6, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Turkish Get Ups
2 each side @ 35, 45, 53, & 62#

1 clean+2 presses+2 squats+3 Pull Ups (alternated neutral and pronated grip)
20 rounds EMOM
Alternate sides w/clean-press-squat
44# kettlebell

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

Friday, June 7 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Zone 2 IC4 Bike Workout 45 minutes 42
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch
Average HR: 126
Max HR 133

Saturday, June 8, 2024
Climbed at Hinckley with Randy. Good conditions. Climbed roughly 16 routes. Main Wall. Got up all the usuals minus “When You Dance.” Got through the bottom crux smoothly. Couldn’t finish. A hold broke near the “nipple.” It’s going to be harder. I’m not sure by how much.

Sunday, June 9, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 4ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

5 Goblet Squat/5 Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings 25, 30, 40#
Neutral Grip Pull ups x 5 reps 0, 10, 20#
KB Windmills 5 each side @ 35#
Shoulder Mobilization Routine
-20 band pull aparts
-10 band dislocates
-Cable Face Pulls x 10 reps 35#
10 Pronators
3 rounds

3 sets of:
Goblet Squats x 8 reps 60#
Kettlebell Swing x 8 reps 70#
60 Seconds
Dips x 8 reps
60 seconds
TRX Inverted Rows x 8 reps +15# plate
60 seconds

Torque Fitness M1 Sled (Forward length of sidewalk + Backwards length of sidewalk)
5 rounds

2 sets of 15 reps Reverse Hyper 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

7.5 mile walk in the evening.
New London-Greenwich Rail Trail
Very pleasant walk. Hips a little achy by the end.

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Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Norwegian 4×4 training method
Rogue Echo Bike
4 minute warm up 50, 55, 60, 65 rpm 142 bpm
3 minute rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 149 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 152 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 152 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 152 63 rpm
3 minute cool down (easy walking)
Much better than last time. Heart rate was back to normal.

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

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Tuesday, June 11, 2024
3 problems
15, 20, 15 push ups
20 band pull aparts
1 Trapbar Deadlift 225# 3 sets
10 second 2 hang on 25, 20, & 15 mm edge
10 pronators each arm
3 rounds

Hangboard 7-13 Training
(7 seconds on + 13 seconds rest) x 6 reps (120 seconds total)
9 sets on the 4 minutes
3 sets on each:
20 mm edge
2 Finger Pocket-L -35#
Full Crimp -35#

Worked in:
5 sets of 10 push ups
2 sets of 1 Trapbar Deadlifts 225#
2 sets of 20 band pull aparts

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Zone 2 IC4 Bike Workout 45 minutes 42

Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch
Average HR: 126
Max HR 132

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

Thursday, June 13, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Turkish Get Ups
2 each side @ 35, 45, 53, & 62#

1 clean+2 presses+2 squats+3 Pull Ups (alternated neutral and pronated grip)
20 rounds EMOM
Alternate sides w/clean-press-squat
44# kettlebell

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

Friday, June 14, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Zone 2 IC4 Treadmill 45 minutes (Tried to keep my hr in the mid 120s.

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
Couch Stretch
Wall Split
Banded Hip Stretch
Average HR: 123
Max HR: 130

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Saturday, June 15, 2024
Climbed at Rock Mill with Kent, Jeff, Justin, and Randy. Lots of new problems. I got a few of them. Unfortunately, I took a big fall and tweaked my back. It feels okay but time will tell.

Sunday, June 16, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 4ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

5 Goblet Squat/5 Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings 25, 30, 40#
Neutral Grip Pull ups x 5 reps 0, 10, 20#
KB Windmills 5 each side @ 35#
Shoulder Mobilization Routine
-20 band pull aparts
-10 band dislocates
-Cable Face Pulls x 10 reps 35#
10 Pronators
3 rounds

3 sets of:
Alternating Skater Squats x 16 reps -20#
Kettlebell Swing x 10 reps 53, 62, 70#
60 Seconds
Parallette Push Ups x 8 reps 0, 10, 20#
60 seconds
TRX Inverted Rows x 8 reps +15# plate
60 seconds

Torque Fitness M1 Sled (Forward length of sidewalk + Backwards length of sidewalk)
5 rounds

2 sets of 15 reps Reverse Hyper 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch
Heading to Wyoming for climbing trip with Lisa, Randy, and Justin. Hopefully the back cooperates. Should be a good time. First the drive.

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Love it!

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Sunday, June 17-29, 2024
Wyoming Vacation with Lisa
Lots of sight seeing, hiking and climbing.
We did the Badlands, Mount Rushmore, and Devil’s Tower on the way out. First climbing day was Thursday with Justin and Randy at Wild Iris. We climbed 3 days together taking a rest day on Saturday. On Saturday we all did the Sinks Canyon Falls trail with the natural slide at the turn around point. Beautiful views and the slide was exhilarating with 45 degree water. Sunday, Jason joined for another awesome day of climbing. Justin and Randy went home back and Jason and I climbed for 3 more days. Altogether I had 6 days climbing at Wild Iris with friends. Here are some of the highlights:
-I climbed about 8 climbs that were in the 11a to 11b range.
-I onsighted Zorro (11d) and repointed Blood Orange (12a) after four goes.

Thursday Lisa and I visited Yellowstone and saw lots of wildlife and beautiful sights. It was a long day but well worth it.

Friday, June 28, 2024
Worked out at Elemental Performance + Fitness in Lander.
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 4ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

5 Goblet Squat/5 Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings 25, 35, 45#
Neutral Grip Pull ups x 5 reps
KB Windmills 5 each side @ 35#
Shoulder Mobilization Routine
-20 band pull aparts
-10 band dislocates
-Cable Face Pulls x 10 reps 35#
3 rounds

3 sets of:
Goblet Squats x 8 reps 60, 65, 70#
Kettlebell Swing x 10 reps 55, 60, 70#
60 Seconds
Dips x 8 reps
60 seconds
Neutral Grip Pulls x 8 reps
60 seconds

Finished up by climbing on the Grasshopper board. I did around 12 problems working up to V5 before my finger tip started to bleed.
Driving back to Ohio tomorrow and Sunday.
A really fun trip spent with Lisa and friends.


Monday, July 1, 2024 -Back in the Shed.
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

5 Goblet Squat/5 Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings 25, 30, 40#
Neutral Grip Pull ups x 5 reps 0, 10, 20#
KB Windmills 5 each side @ 35#
Shoulder Mobilization Routine
-20 band pull aparts
-10 band dislocates
-Cable Face Pulls x 10 reps 35#
10 pronator each arm
3 rounds

3 sets of:
Elevated Split Squat x 8 reps each leg
Reverse Hyper x 15 reps 120#
60 seconds
Parallette Push Ups x 8 reps 10, 20, 20#
60 seconds
Ring pull ups x 8 reps
60 seconds

Torque Fitness M1 Sled (Forward length of sidewalk + Backwards length of sidewalk)
5 rounds

Reclined Hero Pose
1 ring muscle up
5 ab wheel roll outs
Side planks x 30 seconds each side
3 rounds

Banded Hip Internal rotation stretch with pvc.

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July 2, 2024 (The Shed) Good conditions for July.
3 problems
5 dips
5 KB Deadlifts 88#
10 pronators
5 rounds

Testing Day:
This test measures your maximum finger strength. You’ll strap weight to your body via weights hanging from your harness, and hang for five seconds from the 10 millimeter edge on a hangboard in a half-crimp grip (i.e., no thumb lock!).
5# (0# last time)

This hangboard test measures your endurance on a 10 millimeter edge throughout a series of five-second hangs. Hang in five-second intervals (5 seconds on, 5 seconds off) for as long as you can. Keep the same half-crimp grip without allowing your thumb to fold over your fingers and lock them in place.
2-5 second intervals (1 last time)

Hang from a 20 millimeter edge for as long as you can.
28 seconds (23 seconds last time)
Modest improvements (I’ll take it!)

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July 3, 2024
Well it turns out that Lisa and I came home from Wyoming with COVID. We both tested positive. My symptoms are generally mild with body aches, a scratchy throat, and a persistent headache. We’re through the worst of it.
-Today I took two easy walks. 1 hour in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening.

July 4, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Turkish Get Ups
2 at 35 and 45# (1 each side)
10 at 53# (5 each side)

1 clean+2 presses+2 squats+3 Pull Ups (alternated neutral and pronated grip)
20 rounds E2MOM
Alternate sides w/clean-press-squat
45# kettlebell
I cut down on the volume today. Felt fine.

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Reclined Hero Pose
Butterfly Stretch

3 sets of:
5 ab wheel roll outs
30 seconds Side Plank each side

Ring muscle ups were feeling particularly easy today. So I tried a bar muscle up. I got one on the second try. I haven’t done one in several years.
I also tried a mobility test I saw on instagram from Squat University. I really like his stuff. -Dr. Aaron Horschig


July 5, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Banded Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Zone 2 IC4 Bike Workout 45 minutes 41
Average HR: 128
Max HR: 140

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
Reclined Hero Pose
Cossack Stretch
Internal Hip stretch with pvc and band

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Saturday, July 6, 2024
Bouldered at Rock Mill with Kent, Randy, and Justin.
Decent day. I climbed all the new purples and many of the new blues.
1.25 mile walk with Lisa later in the day.

Sunday, July 7, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

5 Goblet Squat/5 Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings 25, 30, 40#
Neutral Grip Pull ups x 5 reps
KB Windmills 5 each side @ 35#
Shoulder Mobilization Routine
-20 band pull aparts
-10 band dislocates
-Cable Face Pulls x 10 reps 35#
10 pronator each arm
3 rounds

3 sets of:
Elevated Split Squat x 8 reps each leg 20, 30, 30#
KB RDLs x 8 reps 88#
60 seconds
Parallette Push Ups x 8 reps +20#
60 seconds
TRX rows x 8 reps +15#
60 seconds

Torque Fitness M1 Sled (Forward length of sidewalk + Backwards length of sidewalk)
5 rounds

Reclined Hero Pose
Cossack Stretch
5 ring muscle ups
1 bar muscle up
Banded Hip stretches

7.5 mile walk using the New London-Greenwich Rail Trail in the evening.
Hips were a little achy by the end.

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Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Norwegian 4×4 training method
Rogue Echo Bike
4 minute warm up 50, 55, 60, 65 rpm 143 bpm
3 minute rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 148 60 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 152 61 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 150 60 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 151 60 rpm
3 minute cool down (easy walking)
Lowered the intensity a little today. Post COVID. Felt hard but doable.

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
reclined hero pose
Cossack Stretch
Banded hip stretches

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Zone 2 Outside Bicycle Ride
New London-Greenwich Rail Trail (out and back)
15.12 miles
Average Heart rate: 122
Max Heart Rate: 134
The trail is relatively flat and I was able to keep a steady heart rate. A nice change of pace.

2 sets of 15 reverse hypers 120#
reclined hero pose
cossack stretch
banded hip stretches

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July 10, 2024
Bouldered at Rock Mill with Kent and then later Justin.
Flashed the new problems through blue. Did a blue I had tried on Saturday. Took a few goes. Came very close to a new orange. Maybe Saturday.

July 11, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Turkish Get Ups
2 per side at 35, 45, 53, 62#

1 clean+2 presses+2 squats+3 Neutral Grip Pull Ups
20 rounds EMOM
Alternate sides w/clean-press-squat
45# kettlebell

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Reclined Hero Pose
Banded Hip Stretches

Back started to tighten up a bit towards the end of the workout. Hopefully nothing serious.

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Zone 2 Outside Bicycle Ride
New London-Greenwich Rail Trail (out and back)
15.11 miles
Average Heart rate: 122
Max Heart Rate: 135

2 sets of 15 reverse hypers 120#
reclined hero pose
cossack stretch
couch stretch

Bought a new bike yesterday. With the rails to trails close to my house I will use it more often for Zone 2 workouts.