Mary and Tim’s Workout Log

That’s awesome. I’m from right outside Charleston!

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Thursday, April 18, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Turkish Get Ups
2 each side @ 35, 45, 53 & 62#

1 clean+2 presses+1 squat+2 Pull Ups
20 rounds EMOM
Alternate sides w/clean-press-squat
44# kettlebell

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

Friday, April 19, 2024
Zone 2 IC4 Bike Workout 45 minutes Level 39-bumped it up to 41 that last 6 minutes
Couch Stretch
Average HR: 114
High HR: 122

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Saturday, April 20, 2024
Bouldered at Rock Mill with Kent and Jeff
Sent the 2 new purples, 1 new blue, and 1 new orange. Finished by climbing some of the blues and all the purples in the gym. My left glute was really hurting by the end of the session. It’s been bothering me for a couple of weeks. Bouldering at Rock Mill seems to aggravate it. Add it to the list.

Sunday, April 21, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 4ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

5 Goblet Squat/5 Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings 40, 40, 40#
Neutral Grip Pull ups x 5 reps 0, 10, 20#
KB Windmills 5 reps each side 35#
Shoulder Mobilization Routine
-20 band pull aparts
-10 band dislocates
-Cable Face Pulls x 10 reps 35#
10 Pronators
3 rounds

3 sets of:
Goblet Squats on Slant board x 8 reps 70# KB
Kettlebell Swings x 8 70#
60 Seconds
KB Bench Press on BOSU Ball x 8 reps 53#
60 seconds
TRX Inverted Rows x 8 reps
60 seconds

Torque Fitness M1 Sled (Forward length of sidewalk + Backwards length of sidewalk)
Farmer’s Carry 2-44# KBs
5 rounds

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

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Norwegian 4×4 training method
Rogue Echo Bike (felt hard)
4 minute warm up 50, 55, 60, 60 rpm
3 minute rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 153 65 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 148 60 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 149 62 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 149 62 rpm
3 minute cool down (easy walking)

The RPE on the Echo Bike seems much harder than the treadmill. Even though I could get my HR higher on the treadmill. Good to switch it up though.

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April 23rd Push Day

Push Ups 3xAMRAP
DB Bench press 4x8
DB shoulder press 3x8
Incline bench press 4x6
Lateral Raise 3x10
Cable tricep push down 2x15

Finished up with 20 minutes on the treadmill at 3.1mph 8.5% incline and stretching.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024
3 problems
15, 20, 15 push ups
1 Trapbar Deadlift 225#
10 second 2 hang on 25, 20, & 15 mm edge
10 pronators each arm
3 rounds

Hangboard 7-13 Training
(7 seconds on + 13 seconds rest) x 6 reps (120 seconds total)
6 sets on the 4 minutes
2 sets 20 mm edge
2 sets 2 finger pocket -35#
2 sets full crimp -45, -35#
24 minutes

Worked in:
5 sets of 20 band pull aparts
5 sets of 5 dips
Deep squat holds
2 additional trapbar deadlifts @ 225#

Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Turkish Get Ups
2 each side @ 35, 45, 53 & 62#

1 clean+2 presses+1 squat+2 Pull Ups
20 rounds EMOM
Alternate sides w/clean-press-squat
44# kettlebell

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch
Deep Squat Holds

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Thursday, April 25, 2024
Zone 2 IC4 Bike Workout 45 minutes Level 41
Couch Stretch
Average HR: 121
High HR: 129

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Saturday, April 27, 2024
Bouldered at Rock Mill with Randy, Keith, and Nate.
Sent the 2 new purples, 2 new blues, and 1 new orange. The new orange was particularly a fun climb. Worked on a white for a while and made some progress. Finished by climbing some of the blues and all the purples in the gym.
2 mile walk after celebrating a friend’s 40th birthday. Too much alcohol and cheesecake.

Sunday, April 28, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 4ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

5 Goblet Squat/5 Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings 40, 40, 40#
Neutral Grip Pull ups x 5 reps 0, 10, 20#
KB Windmills 5 reps each side 35#
Shoulder Mobilization Routine
-20 band pull aparts
-10 band dislocates
-Cable Face Pulls x 10 reps 35#
10 Pronators
3 rounds

4 sets of:
Alternating Skater Squats x 16 reps -20, -15, -10, -10#
Kettlebell Swings x 8 70#
60 Seconds
Parallette Push Up +20#
60 seconds
TRX Inverted Rows x 8 reps 0, 0, 0, 10#
60 seconds

Torque Fitness M1 Sled (Forward length of sidewalk + Backwards length of sidewalk)
Farmer’s Carry 2-53# KBs
5 rounds

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

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Norwegian 4×4 training method
Treadmill 4.0 mph +20# Ruck

4 minute warm up 131
3 minute rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 153 15%
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 155 15%
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 150 12%
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 153 13%
3 minute cool down (easy walking)

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Tuesday, April 30, 2024
3 problems
15, 20, 15 push ups
1 Trapbar Deadlift 225#
10 second 2 hang on 25, 20, & 15 mm edge
10 pronators each arm
3 rounds

Hangboard 7-13 Training
(7 seconds on + 13 seconds rest) x 6 reps (120 seconds total)
7 sets on the 4 minutes
3 sets 20 mm edge
2 sets small 2 finger pocket -45#
2 sets full crimp -35#
28 minutes

Worked in:
10 sets of 10 band pull aparts
5 sets of 5 dips
Deep squat holds
2 additional trapbar deadlifts @ 225#

Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Turkish Get Ups
2 each side @ 35, 45, 53 62#

1 clean+2 presses+2 squats+2 Pull Ups
20 rounds EMOM
Alternate sides w/clean-press-squat
44# kettlebell

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

Thursday, May 2, 2024
Zone 2 IC4 Bike Workout 45 minutes Level 41
Couch Stretch
Average HR: 118
High HR: 128

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Saturday, May 4, 2024
Bouldered at Rock Mill with Kent, Jeff, and Randy.
Sent the 2 new purples, 2 new blues, 1 new orange and 1 white. Repeated a few blues and one orange from last week. Finished by climbing all the purples in the gym.
2 mile walk in the evening.

Sunday, May 5, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 4ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

5 Goblet Squat/5 Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings 40, 40, 40#
Neutral Grip Pull ups x 5 reps 0, 10, 20#
KB Windmills 5 reps each side 35#
Shoulder Mobilization Routine
-20 band pull aparts
-10 band dislocates
-Cable Face Pulls x 10 reps 35#
10 Pronators
3 rounds

5 sets of:
Goblet Squats x 6 reps 60#
Kettlebell Swings x 6 88#
60 Seconds
Parallette Push Up x 6 reps +10, 20, 30, 30#
60 seconds
TRX Inverted Rows x 6 reps +25
60 seconds

Torque Fitness M1 Sled (Forward length of sidewalk + Backwards length of sidewalk)
Single Arm Farmers Carry 70# Down the sidewalk with the Left and back with the right.
5 rounds

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

2 mile walk in the evening.

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Norwegian 4×4 training method
Rogue Echo Bike (felt hard, but doable)
4 minute warm up 50, 55, 60, 65 rpm 140 bpm
3 minute rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 150 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 150 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 151 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 152 63 rpm
3 minute cool down (easy walking)

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Tuesday, May 7, 2024
3 problems
15, 20, 15 push ups
1 Trapbar Deadlift 225#
10 second 2 hang on 25, 20, & 15 mm edge
10 pronators each arm
3 rounds

Hangboard 7-13 Training
(7 seconds on + 13 seconds rest) x 6 reps (120 seconds total)
7 sets on the 4 minutes
3 sets 20 mm edge
3 sets large 2 finger pocket -35#
2 sets full crimp -35#
32 minutes

Worked in:
10 sets of 10 band pull aparts
5 sets of 5 dips
Deep squat holds
2 additional trapbar deadlifts @ 225#

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Turkish Get Ups
2 each side @ 35, 45, 53 62#

1 clean+2 presses+2 squats+3/2 Pull Ups (3 every other set) 50 total
20 rounds EMOM
Alternate sides w/clean-press-squat
44# kettlebell

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

Thursday, May 9, 2024
Treadmill Walk 12% incline, 3.7 mph
Average HR: 121
High HR: 132

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Saturday, May 11 2024
Bouldered at Rock Mill with Justin and Randy.
Sent the 2 new purples, 2 new blues, 2 new orange and 1 new white. Repeated a few blues and one orange from last week. Finished by climbing all the purples in the gym. Solid day.

Sunday, May 12, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 4ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

5 Goblet Squat/5 Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings 40, 40, 40#
Neutral Grip Pull ups x 5 reps 0, 10, 20#
KB Windmills 5 reps each side 35#
Shoulder Mobilization Routine
-20 band pull aparts
-10 band dislocates
-Cable Face Pulls x 10 reps 35#
10 Pronators
3 rounds

8 sets of:
Goblet Squats x 3 reps 70#
Kettlebell Swings x 3 88#
60 Seconds
Dips x 3 reps 2 sets each @ 0, 10, 20, +30#
60 seconds
TRX Inverted Rows x 3 reps +50# Sandbog
60 seconds

Torque Fitness M1 Sled (Forward length of sidewalk + Backwards length of sidewalk)
Overhead Waiter’s walk 45# Right hand down sidewalk & left hand back
5 rounds

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

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May 13, 2024
Norwegian 4×4 training method
Rogue Echo Bike (Sufferfest)
4 minute warm up 50, 55, 60, 65 rpm 141 bpm
3 minute rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 152 64 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 152 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 153 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 154 63 rpm
3 minute cool down (easy walking)

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Tuesday, May 14, 2024
3 problems
15, 20, 15 push ups
1 Trapbar Deadlift 225#
10 second 2 hang on 25, 20, & 15 mm edge
10 pronators each arm
3 rounds

Hangboard 7-13 Training
(7 seconds on + 13 seconds rest) x 6 reps (120 seconds total)
9 sets on the 4 minutes
3 sets 20 mm edge
3 sets large 2 finger pocket -35#
3 sets full crimp -35#
34 minutes

Worked in:
10 sets of 10 band pull aparts
5 sets of 10 push ups
Deep squat holds
2 additional trapbar deadlifts @ 225#

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Turkish Get Ups
2 each side @ 35, 45, 53 62#

1 clean+1 press+2 squats+3 Pull Ups
20 rounds EMOM
Alternate sides w/clean-press-squat
53# kettlebell

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

Thursday, May 16, 2024
Zone 2 IC4 Bike Workout 45 minutes Half Level 39 & Half Level 41
Couch Stretch
Average HR: 116
High HR: 122

Saturday, May 18, 2024
Bouldered at Rock Mill with Kent, Justin and Randy.
Sent the 3 new purples, 1 new blue, 1 new orange and 1 new white. Repeated a few blues, one white and one orange from last week. Finished by climbing all the purples in the gym. Solid day.
3 mile walk in the evening.

Sunday, May 19, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 4ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

5 Goblet Squat/5 Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings 40, 40, 40#
Neutral Grip Pull ups x 5 reps 0, 10, 20#
KB Windmills 5 reps each side 35#
Shoulder Mobilization Routine
-20 band pull aparts
-10 band dislocates
-Cable Face Pulls x 10 reps 35#
10 Pronators
3 rounds

5 sets of:
Kickstand Squats x 5 reps each leg 20#
Hip Thrusts on Reverse Hyper (John Rusin) x 10 reps
60 Seconds
Dips x 5 reps 0, 10, 10, 20, 20#
60 seconds
TRX Inverted Rows x 5 reps +35# plate
60 seconds

Torque Fitness M1 Sled (Forward length of sidewalk + Backwards length of sidewalk)
Farmer’s Carry (around the house and through the garage) 53# KBs

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

May 20, 2024
Norwegian 4×4 training method
Rogue Echo Bike
4 minute warm up 50, 55, 60, 65 rpm 143 bpm
3 minute rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 150 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 150 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 152 63 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 154 63 rpm
3 minute cool down (easy walking)

Tuesday, May 21, 2024
3 problems
15, 20, 15 push ups
1 Trapbar Deadlift 225# 5 sets
10 second 2 hang on 25, 20, & 15 mm edge
10 pronators each arm
20 band pull aparts
3 rounds

Hangboard 7-13 Training (Used the house hangboard, very hot!)
(7 seconds on + 13 seconds rest) x 6 reps (120 seconds total)
7 sets on the 4 minutes
3 sets blue sloper +10
3 sets Medium Blue Edge
1 set two finger pocket

Worked in:
5 sets of 10 push ups

Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

Turkish Get Ups
2 each side @ 35, 45, 53 62#

1 clean+1 press+2 squats+3 Pull Ups
20 rounds EMOM
Alternate sides w/clean-press-squat
53# kettlebell

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch

Thursday, May 23, 2024
Zone 2 IC4 Bike Workout 45 minutes Half Level 41, Last 5 minutes @ 42
Average HR: 114
High HR: 122

Saturday, May 25, 2024
Bouldered at home in the Shed.
15 problems. A few harder ones. Then 10 problems EMOM.
25 total.
Worked in:
5 sets of 20 push ups
4 sets of 10 pronators
4 sets of 15 banded finger extensions

Sunday, May 26, 2024
Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 4ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8

5 Goblet Squat/5 Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings 35, 45, 53##
Neutral Grip Pull ups x 5 reps 0, 10, 20#
KB Armbars x 5 reps each side 35, 45, 62#
Shoulder Mobilization Routine
-20 band pull aparts
-10 band dislocates
-Cable Face Pulls x 10 reps 35#
10 Pronators
3 rounds

3 sets of:
Rear-Foot Elevated Split Squat x 8 reps each leg 2-25# DBs
Kettlebell Swings x 8 reps 70#
60 Seconds
Dips x 8 reps
60 seconds
TRX Inverted Rows x 8 reps +15# plate
60 seconds
Torque Fitness M1 Sled (Forward length of sidewalk + Backwards length of sidewalk)
Farmer’s Carry (around the house and through the garage) 2-53# KBs

2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
3 ring muscle ups
Couch Stretch
Cossack Stretch