Marijuana ?

So what’s the bottom line about marijuana. If you’re bulking and don’t mind the munchies…Physiologically does it harm your muscle gains? Is it okay to smoke everyonce in a while, and still be a hardcore t-man?

there are umpteen thousand threads about this – do a search. And the bottom line is that it affects your T-levels, so no, you cannot still be hardcore. More like semi-hard or even soft.

I perfer the term “placid” :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t let the “squares” in the house ruin an ocasional good time for ya. Marijuana doesn’t directly lower T-levels, but rather some of the chemicals in the THC compound are slightly estrogenic, which isn’t good of course, but nothing to loose sleep over. Alcohol is by far the real no-no. I used to be a real “head” and then I got serious about my training and restricted use to once or twice a week, never the night before I train (for cloudyness reasons). And I’ve made great gains over the past year.

[quote]Soldierslim wrote:
Don’t let the “squares” in the house ruin an ocasional good time for ya. Marijuana doesn’t directly lower T-levels, but rather some of the chemicals in the THC compound are slightly estrogenic, which isn’t good of course, but nothing to loose sleep over. Alcohol is by far the real no-no. I used to be a real “head” and then I got serious about my training and restricted use to once or twice a week, never the night before I train (for cloudyness reasons). And I’ve made great gains over the past year.[/quote]

Totally agreed. I dont smoke, I dont drink,but I do puff once or twice a week
on a dube just to relax and unwind for a while.