Manipulating Variables in the Squat

Bear with me here guys.

I am dreaming up ways of changing how squatting works things, specifically attacking the core.

I have a weight vest, I’m thinking adding 10-20kg to the front, nothing on the back to strengthen against falling forward and really getting the weight on the heels.

But, I’d like some guidance so I don’t cause myself more harm than good.

I wouldn’t do this will real serious weight, I’m thinking upto 70% - maybe even with chains so there’s less weight in the hole.

I’ve given it a shot while there is no weight in the vest and it doesn’t seem to interfere with the bar or anything like that.

Thoughts? Good idea/stupid idea/not sure but won’t hurt/may work but there are better options…

[quote]tsantos wrote:
Bear with me here guys.

I am dreaming up ways of changing how squatting works things, specifically attacking the core.

I have a weight vest, I’m thinking adding 10-20kg to the front, nothing on the back to strengthen against falling forward and really getting the weight on the heels.

But, I’d like some guidance so I don’t cause myself more harm than good.

I wouldn’t do this will real serious weight, I’m thinking upto 70% - maybe even with chains so there’s less weight in the hole.

I’ve given it a shot while there is no weight in the vest and it doesn’t seem to interfere with the bar or anything like that.

Thoughts? Good idea/stupid idea/not sure but won’t hurt/may work but there are better options…[/quote]

How’s your front squat form without any of that? Can you stay perfectly upright in the bottom position? Can you keep your upper back flat during the whole range of motion? Can you prevent your torso from going forward on the way up? If not, then first focus on developing perfect form. Include pauses during the movement if you want to strengthen the positions. But do not use an overload that could make it harder to maintain perfect lifting posture until you can use that perfect posture first.

When you can maintain a perfect lifting posture and from with heavy weights (up to 90%) but start to have some form breakdown when you approach a max and if it is what limits your strength on the movement (for example if your front squat 1RM is less than 75% of your back squat max) then you can start thinking about strengthening the positions with external means.