I can’t really find any better place to ask then this website.
Ok I?ve been training bodybuilding for 2 years now and was doing martial arts: boxing and jiujitsu before that. I still go to Brazilian jiu jitsu from time to time because of the saying that u can’t gain muscle if u went to the gym and did jiu jitsu at same day or week.
I’m working on a plan to practice both Brazilian jiu jitsu and bodybuilding; I’m taking it real series now because of looking forward to compete in jiu jitsu and play out side in the summer vacation.
I have read a lot of articles about mma and weight lifting but can’t really get any good stuff. I?m planning to wake up early morning to run so can improve my endurance level that has lowered a lot since I’m doing weight lifting.
I’m just thinking of running at 6 or 5 morning then workout after one hour or 2, then in the afternoon I will go to jiu jitsu classes. I really wana get a bit fit but afraid of loosing muscle and not looking in shape, I mean the workout thing that I do in gym won’t be that useful and I will be small but look at the big fighters in ufc they all do the same and more and they look ****ing big.
I like the mma thing more than weight lifting and hoping to compate in few months!
How much and how long should I run? And should I do sprints instead so I can increase breathing because it sucks at moments. I wana lose that bet of fat that I have gained on my butt because of the weight lifting and lot of eating thing, I wana be more fit but still strong as I’m now.
Sorry of talking too much and hope I get your suggestion guys; I got no one to ask.