Your liver is ruining your day producing an over abundance of SHBG that your HPTA isn’t fighting back the way it should. I’ve seen guys where their SHBG is high and their HPTA is kicking into overdrive with T levels well above 1200+ ng/dL in an attempt to compensate.
In this case the HPTA will never get over top of the SHBG. In other words your HPTA is on the weak side. You need to detox that liver and stay away from plant based diets as these increase SHBG, heavy drinking will also raise SHBG. Guys should never come within 10 feet of soy products.
Your thyroid is starting to become a mess, most progressive doctors start thyroid treatment when a guy has a TSH of 2.5, you are already there. You are missing complete thyroid labs, reverse T3 can block free T3 hormone causing TSH to rise. Most doctors don’t bother checking when these free hormones have more value.
You need TSH, Free T4, Free T3 and Total T3, Thyroid Antibodies, Calcitonin, Thyroglobulin for a more complete picture. Also track your body temps using a mercury thermometer before you get out of bed and at 12 noon, you should be at 97.7 upon waking and 98.6 12 noon. If not you are iodine deficient.
So there’s a combination of issue, weak HPTA, liver and thyroid are all suboptimal. Also check out our thyroid sticky as you could be iodine deficient which can harm your thyroid over time, iodine could improve your TSH be increasing thyroid free hormones, give iodine/selenium supplements a try.
You are a candidate for TRT based solely off your SHBG numbers, TRT will kill two birds with one stone by forcing down SHBG and greatly increasing TT and FT. You will require larger weekly injections since you hold on to your T so well.
When my TT was 225 ng/dL I had horrible anxiety and was always stressed, now I’m as calm as a turtle. Low T can be causing all your problems. TRT brings calmness to most guys, just be sure your doctor monitors your cortisol levels. Checkout your cortisol levels, high cortisol levels will cause a guy to stress out easily and drain you of all your energy. Symptoms of high cortisol levels include weight gain, a puffy, flushed face, mood swings and increased anxiety, fatigue, trouble sleeping.