losing the six pack

This might be the stupidest post yet, but here goes.

I’ve always had a pretty ripped six pack. I was one of those guys who just had it naturally. Thing is, I really need to pack on the mass, and after reading some of the articles here on t-mag, I’ve realized that it will be pretty impossible to do so without packing on the calories and saying good-bye to the six pack. So here’s my question: after you bulk up, is it hard to regain the six pack? I mean I hear all this stuff about top bodybuilding pros and serious fitness athletes–really fit people–who have to resort to liposuction and ab etching because its physiologically impossible for them to have defined abs any other way, their bodies just don’t work that way. I’ve always been on the skinny side myself, though relatively muscular, so I’ve never really had this problem. But if I bulk up, will I be able to shave the flab off and get just as ripped again as I was before? Thanks for any replies


My feeling is that if you’re naturally lean, and you don’t let your bodyfat percentage get much above, say, 12% while bulking, it won’t be too hard to regain them.

Now on the other hand, it may be quite hard for you to add lean body mass, but that’s a different post.

Dan “235 and distinctly NOT ripped” McVicker

I’ve managed to bulk up from 162 to 188 lbs over the last year and a half with cutting and bulking phases dispersed throughout. The entire time I’ve remained under 12% bf, and while I might not be “etched” so to speak, you can definitely see definition. (I’ve got pictures in the pic forum from a while back). The biggest thing is diet, because eating 5000 cals of shit food, will pack on fat quickly, but 6000 cals of clean food will build almost purely muscle (maybe 1-2% bf if done properly).

I wouldn’t look to pros anymore for guidance. Read “Body Building Is Dead”. These synthetic freaks are not the model to look at for development and diet.

Good luck.