Looking To Gain

I am looking for some help here. I want to gain some quality lean mass. I have been training for about 3 1/2 years, I was a college athlete so I think I have a pretty good idea about how to train but I think my diet needs some tweaking here is a typical day:

Meal 1:
1 banana
2 scoops whey mixed w/ water
fish oil (1 cap)

Meal 2: Post w/o
1 Banana
2 scoops whey mixed w/ water
6-8 oz. yam

Meal 3: 7 oz. tuna or chicken
large salad

Meal 4: 2 scoops whey mixed w/ water

Meal 5: post cardio (I usually do no less then 60 min per day)
8-10 oz. (chicken, lean red meat, fish, extra lean ground pork)
8-10 oz. sweet potato
large salad

Meal 6:
8 oz. fat-free cottage cheese
1.5 scoops whey
1/4 cup kashi Go-lean Cereal

I am supplementing fish oil and multi-vitamin/5 gr. creatine pre-workout.

On the right track or am I crazy to think that I will be about to gain anything eating this way. I rarely if ever cheat, makes me feel like hell if I do. I weight about 160 and I would like to be about 180, I am 6’1. Any thoughts…

You need more calories and more real food. All those scoops of whey won’t do anything if you don’t have a calorie excess. Read the articles on this site like “quality mass diet” or “massive eating” and you’ll get an idea of how few calories you are taking in.

where the heck is all your meat?

Are you only taking 1 fish oil cap per day? You need to take way more then that. AT LEAST 3.

And, yeah, what those other guys said. If you want to gain 20 pounds, then you need to eat way more then what you are now. Eat a lot more meat.

Also, if you really want an extra 20, than you will have to be willing to sacrifice in that you may gain a little bit of extra fat as well. You can diet it off later if you want.

Is there any particular reason why you’re doing an hour minimum of cardio per day? That’s an awful lot.

Like the other posters said, more meat. Don’t be afraid of healthy fats either.

thanks for the info any suggestions on how much more food I should be consuming. And as far as meat is concerned, anybody have any thoughts on ostritch meat?

[quote]matt38 wrote:
thanks for the info any suggestions on how much more food I should be consuming. And as far as meat is concerned, anybody have any thoughts on ostritch meat? [/quote]


By the pound.