Please help me with my diet
I am making every attmept to gain wieght and this is what i have. How is it
Any other way to make my weight gain mroe rapid. as of now im not gaining a pound a week on this diet
Meal 1- 6:00 AM
3 eggs
2 pices of toast
3 cups of Milk
Multi Vit, Calcium, Fishoils
Meal 2- 8:30 am
Wardog Weight Gain Bar (469 cals 26 gram fat(good fats from pb) 21 grams carb 28 gram protein)( i sometimes replace this with 8oz of lean meat when i can)
30 pistachio’s
Meal 3- 10:10 am
Turkey Sandwhich(2 pices of bread, 6 oz of turkey, Lettuce, Tomato)
12 almonds
Meal 4( PRE WORKOUT)-2:30pm
1 cups of brown rice
8 oz lean meat
Meal 5(Pre pre workout) 3:30
Xtend and creatine in gatorade or grape juice
Meal 6(POST WORKOUT)-6:00 pm
1 cup oatmeal
Protein Shake(Glutimine, Creatine)
Anti Oxidents
Meal 7- 7:30
What ever is served
For Example
1 chicken breast
1 sweetpotato
Salad(spinach, Tomatoes, Shiitake Mushrooms, Broccoli, Flaxseeds)
1 cup Milk
Meal 8- 9:00-10:00
1 can tuna
Casein Protein Shake
1 tablespoon olive oil
Multi Vit, Calcium, Fishoils
1 cup green beans
Meals 2-5 are at school so i have to have foor that can sit in my back pack all day and can be eaten cold
Calories 6027
Fat 170 25%
Carb 666 42%
Protein 485 33%
I might want to get some more and cut out some fat. All my fats are good ones