Leg length differential

Does anyone know there is a certain test or device chiropractors use to measure the difference in leg length or other symmetrical differences??

yeah, they just basically get you to lie down and go from there with your legs straight and bent. But unfortunately that test is bullshit as it could be a result of a tight muscle. Not that all chiros do that.

True lower limb lengths are obtained by squaring the pelvis if possible and keeping the lower limbs in identical position. Measurement of the length is taken from the anterior superior iliac spine to the knee joint line and the second from the knee to the medial malleolus indicating the tibial length.

Apparent limb lengths are measured by keeping both lower limbs parallel to each other and in the long axis of the body. The measurment is taken from the umbilicus (belly button) to the medial maleolus (middle ankle bone). It does not take any note of the position of the pelvis which will be not be square if there are hip deformities.

MDs and Chiros can order different forms of x-rays that trace boney landmarks and offer a much more accurate measure.