Don’t know if anyone can help me out with this or not.
I went to go get my first treatment for laser hair removal.
the tech took one look at my back and said: “you went tanning! I can’t use the laser on skin that is red or it will burn”…
me: “it isn’t burned, it’s just naturally kinda red, I haven’t tanned in over a week”
tech: “look, when i press on it the redness goes away and then comes back, it will blister, you need to not tan for a couple of weeks then come back”
me: “uhhh…uhhh, ok”
The redness is of course from the test/EQ.
My idea was to go donate blood before the next appointment.
My questions are:
Will this work?
Will I be losing some of the gear out of my system when I donate?
Hey bro what’s up. I don’t think it’s a good idea to donate jacked blood, just common sense to me.
I was gonna get my back done one day as well but someone suggested to just get it waxed in the meantime. Waxing I guess will make the hair a lot weaker and eventually stop growing. So the next best thing is waxing dude. I haven’t tried it yet but will have to someday…Besides you won’t have to worry about fuckin’ up your cycle that way.
I don’t think it matters why the skin is red [or tan]. As long as it is, there’s a much higher risk of the laser burning your skin. If donating blood solves the issue, that’s all well and good. If it doesn’t, wait till you’re off-cycle.
I remember seeing a dateline or 20/20 special about laser hair removal. They were saying people with tans need to have a special laser hair removal, otherwise, they get stripes. Not all places, at the time, had these special lasers (actually most).
They had examples of the people who got the stripes after getting the laser hair removal shortly after going to the tanning beds.
Ya, I have tried waxing and it was ok. Waxing my chest was a fuckin bitch (it was bleeding and the whole thing just blistered anyways so by the time it was normal the hair was growing in already.
I might try it for the back and shoulders.
Anyone have any experience with lasers?
Anyone have experience with donating blood while on EQ?
I kno some guys have said it decreases their BP when they are on which I could also benifit from.
Don’t know if anyone can help me out with this or not.
I went to go get my first treatment for laser hair removal.
the tech took one look at my back and said: “you went tanning! I can’t use the laser on skin that is red or it will burn”…
me: “it isn’t burned, it’s just naturally kinda red, I haven’t tanned in over a week”
tech: “look, when i press on it the redness goes away and then comes back, it will blister, you need to not tan for a couple of weeks then come back”
me: “uhhh…uhhh, ok”
The redness is of course from the test/EQ.
My idea was to go donate blood before the next appointment.
My questions are:
Will this work?
Will I be losing some of the gear out of my system when I donate?
Will the person that gets my blood get jacked?
Thanks for your help.
I wouldn’t give blood primarily because every time I do I get sick. Even if it’s just feeling run down or a small cold, I can’t deal with it while I’m on cycle-especially after having already been sick 1 week last month.
I’d say forget it. Just tell people what Ron Burgundy would say… “Hmm, actually that’s a point of pride. I’m very proud of my mane of pubic hair. So, thank you.”
Get yourself a Razorba. It works great. My wife used to bitch everytime I asked her to shave my back. I looked into other methods, and this is the one. Keyword Razorba and you will find it.