I’m really interesting in learning more about martial arts to just be able to better handle myself. I’m recently divorced and will likely be hanging out in clubs and bars more often and sometimes there are situations that you can’t walk away from because it follows you. Some people are just stupid and I want to be better prepared for the stupid.
I think Kickboxing or Muay Thai is one that I’m definitely interested in and I’ve always found Judo to be interesting as well. Anybody here from the Las Vegas area have any recommendations on a gym or school? Other recommendations?
Read the following posts on this subject. They are all on page 1.
Best Martial Art for the Military.
2vs 1 Road Rage Fight.
Combat Gym Tips.
JJ in Real Life Situations.
These will cover your basic question, except for your location in Vegas. Vegas is one of the MMA’s largest communities.
My personal opinion: Your first step in surviving is to stay away from clubs and bars. Start studing the material at www.nononsenseselfdefense.com…I would rather meet a woman who trains hard in a gym, than a thousand in a bar.
[quote]idaho wrote:
Read the following posts on this subject. They are all on page 1.
Best Martial Art for the Military.
2vs 1 Road Rage Fight.
Combat Gym Tips.
JJ in Real Life Situations.
These will cover your basic question, except for your location in Vegas. Vegas is one of the MMA’s largest communities.
My personal opinion: Your first step in surviving is to stay away from clubs and bars. Start studing the material at www.nononsenseselfdefense.com…I would rather meet a woman who trains hard in a gym, than a thousand in a bar. [/quote]
Cool, thanks for the info.
I don’t necessarily disagree with your last point but just being social in-general I’m sure I’ll find myself in one from time-to-time; I have no desire for those places to be my main hangout by any means. Thanks again!
So wow, that was some really good info in those threads.
Obviously avoid and escape fights to the best of your ability?
It seems as if I should just focus on one MA then? Boxing or MT seems to be pretty solid based on what I’ve read and Judo seems to be useful as well and can perhaps help open-up an escape. Any thoughts on Kickboxing? What’s the real difference between KB and MT?
The comments on BJJ and Judo get confusing. One writer implied, or so it seemed, that BJJ is just better Judo that it implies the same tactics standing but better prep’s you for a ground fight. Although getting to the ground in a street fight seems to be suicide.
[quote]Jaynick77 wrote:
So wow, that was some really good info in those threads.
Obviously avoid and escape fights to the best of your ability?
Those are generally the favorites of this board, but they’re not the only things that work. Any martial art can work if the teacher is a good one - there’s teachers out there that do traditional karate or tai-chi that can teach you the physical tools needed to win a fight.
There’s not really one that’s the best, though. Read through the link provided: nononsenseselfdefense.com.
That will fill in the gaps that need to be filled in for you.
It is suicide. Some BJJ practitioners swear otherwise, but in my opinion they’re wrong. It’s been a subject of contentious debate on this board for years but in general the people with actual experience outside the ring agree that BJJ is far from useless, but it’s got a time and a place where it’s effective, and that time and place is not nearly as broad as the people marketing BJJ would have you believe.