[quote]RSGZ wrote:
[quote]therajraj wrote:
[quote]RSGZ wrote:
[quote]therajraj wrote:
I can’t comment on Windows 7, but Windows ME, XP and Vista all blew balls. I’ve always been curious about Linux though.
That’s exactly the problem; you haven’t tried Windows 7. I keep saying that people need to stop basing their judgements on old software.
I’ve got it on 3 separate machines (2 at home, one at work) and I haven’t had a single crash in over a year and a half. And I’m a designer, so I working between Maya, After Effects, Premiere, Photoshop, etc… all the time. Not exactly simple word-processing apps.
You don’t hear about Apples problems because their computer marketshare is what, ~5%, of the total market; if you head over to their forums you’ll see the same amount of issues as you would on any other decent manufacturers site.
If you prefer a Mac, fine, but you cannot for a second argue there is any advantage of using it over a PC equivalent.[/quote]
In all fairness Windows 7 hasn’t even been out very long (a little over a year?) and it’s hard take a company’s product seriously when they go nearly a decade between good OS’s.
With respect to your lack of issues with your PC’s, people who have a strong understanding of computers will always have less problems regardless of the platform they’re running. But what about the average user?
Lastly, go talk to mac users and ask them how many issues they’ve had with their computers. Obviously if you go to a troubleshooting mac forum you’re ONLY going to see problems.
Windows 7 is also the fastest selling OS ever, it’s been out long enough for it to have established a good rep.
I see what you mean about their rep, but we need to let go of it. Office 2010, Win7, the 360 + Kinect; Microsoft is in very different league now compared with them 5 years ago.
I also finding the average user have significantly less issues with Win7 (no actual crashes, just usability issues of the technologically impaired).
I deal with plenty of Mac users daily, while most of them hardly ever complain or mention issues, I do encounter them. Like I said, the scale is much, much smaller comparing PC to Mac.
I guess my experience with them isn’t positive though (limited as it is) - we bought a couple Macbook Pro’s at work about 2 months back just for Keynote shows and I got the spinning ball of death to hang the machine twice within a week. And I was just doing some basica Keynote presentations.
The OSX interface sucks - you can’t customise anything on it, and it just feel completely unintuitive.
Haters gonna hate, as they say.[/quote]
Yeah, if you’re one of those people who likes to highly customize their PC mac is not for you. As for your Macbook Pro’s you might have just gotten a couple lemmings. It’s generally a very bad sign (obviously) if you’re having computer problems with a new computer in the first couple months of use. I find it if your mac is problem free the first couple months, it will less prone to issues during it’s life