Hi all,
I just received my lab results taken one month after switching to my new sub-Q protocol:
62.5mg sub-Q T enanthate 2 X week (total 125mg EW) + 250IU sub-Q HCG 2X week (total 500IU EW).
both injected at the same evening, each of them in a different place in the abdomen.
I’m 23, healthy and trying eating healthy - low carbs/high protein/moderate good fats.
eating 200 grams of cruciferous vegetables every day (broccoli/cleavage).
supplementing daily with fish oil, vit C, multivitamin (no iron), zinc, magnesium, TMG, creatine, MSM, & 5000IU vit-d.
training regularly in the gym.
blood was taken on 10/02/2014, the morning of my scheduled day for the first weekly evening injection:
DHEA SO4 7.78 UMOL/L ( 7.60- 17.40) (…)
ESTRADIOL(E2) 196.42 PMOL/L ( 0.00- 146.10) (…)
FSH < 0.8 ( 1.40- 18.10)
LH < 0.2 ( 1.50- 9.30)
PROLACTIN 178.86 MU/L ( 45.00- 375.00) (……)
TESTOSTERONE 33.31 NMOL/L ( 8.40- 28.70) (…)
FREE ANDROGEN INDEX 86.20 ( 30.00- 150.00) (……)
SHBG 41.10 NMOL/L ( 13.00- 71.00) (……)
FREE T4 13.20 PMOL/L ( 9.00- 19.00) (……)
FREE T3 3.00 PMOL/L ( 2.66- 5.70) (…)
TSH 2.03 UIU/ML ( 0.35- 4.94) (…*…)
WBC 4.60 K/UL ( 4.00- 10.00) (…)
NEUTROPHILS 2.60 K/UL ( 1.80- 6.60) (.…)
NEUTROPHILS % 57.30 % ( 46.00- 68.00) (……)
LYMPHOCYTES 1.50 K/UL ( 1.10- 3.50) (.…)
LYMPHOCYTES % 32.00 % ( 15.00- 45.00) (……)
MONOCYTES 0.40 K/UL ( 0.08- 0.90) (……)
MONOCYTES % 8.80 % ( 2.00- 9.00) (…)
EOSINOPHILS 0.10 K/UL ( 0.00- 0.60) (.…)
EOSINOPHILS % 1.50 % ( 0.00- 6.00) (.…)
BASOPHILS 0.00 K/UL ( 0.00- 0.15)
BASOPHILS % 0.40 % ( 0.00- 1.50) (.…)
RBC 5.38 MU/L ( 4.30- 6.00) (……)
HEMOGLOBIN 17.30 G/DL ( 13.50- 17.50) (…)
HEMATOCRIT 49.90 % ( 38.00- 50.00) (…)
MCV 92.80 FL ( 80.00- 98.00) (……)
MCH 32.10 PG ( 27.00- 33.00) (….)
MCHC 34.60 G/DL ( 32.00- 35.50) (……)
PLATELETS 161.00 K/UL ( 150.00- 400.00) (…)
MPV 7.80 FL ( 6.50- 11.50) (.…)
RDW 13.80 % ( 11.00- 16.00) (…*…)
a few questions came up:
ESTRADIOL -it is way above normal range! what should i do? i thought that SC injection should lower it.
is Arimidex/anastrozole the only solution? what exactly should I ask my doc, and what is the recommended dosage? -
I currently have no place to get an AI, would taking dim(diindolylmethane) or Indole-3-carbinol may help?
should I consider changing my protocol (HCG dosage/frequency)?
HEMATOCRIT - very high. with androgel I never got those high numbers.
does it mean I must donate blood? is it a regular donation or RBC only donation? I never done this before.
are there other ways of decreasing it? -
HEMOGLOBIN -very high too. is it correlated with HEMATOCRIT? same questions for it.
DHEA SO4 - it is almost bellow range, what does that indicate? should I look into it?
how are my T / FREE ANDROGEN INDEX / SHBG values?
lastly - what do my TSH/T3/T4 indicate about my thyroid?
from measurements I took for a week I’m getting 36.0 celsius (96.8 fahrenheit) every morning in bed before getting up.
am I iodine deficient? noting again that I’m eating 200 grams of cruciferous vegetables each day (which may interfere with iodine intake).
sorry I have so many questions,
I appreciate any help.