Check this out when you get a chance.
There is an interesting side-effect of anastrozole that might come in handy for your book in the future.
Check this out when you get a chance.
There is an interesting side-effect of anastrozole that might come in handy for your book in the future.
KSMAN, would you kindly take a peek at my latest post in my HRT thread? My latest labs came back with high e2 and I need a hand on calculating proper ai dosage.
46yr old Low Normal T on HRT, My Story - Testosterone Replacement - Forums - T Nation?
Hey ksman… i updated my thread a bit:
*to sum up: - finishing my IR and started Clomid “challenge”
KSMAN added some more context, would appreciate your insight. 46yr old Low Normal T on HRT, My Story - Testosterone Replacement - Forums - T Nation?
Ksman… Tuna said I should be ok with .75 sub c… I respect that but the should word worries me. Will i be ok will .75 ml suc C? Thanks. Hope you have having a nice weekend!! Beautiful weather here today
Thank you Sir
Hi KSman. Do you mind if this is how we continue to track you down for updates to our own thread? This has got to be taxing for you…
*This is a broken record, but we have no where else to go. Unfortunately, most of our doctors are not up speed on this subject. It really is a tragedy. Which makes you and this site resource sooooo important to the community.
I have a Raloxifene ? when you have time to catch your breath.
KSman- any thoughts on having a swollen lymph node during IR? I have never had this particular lymph node (back of neck at base of skull, left side) swollen and it is definitely painful as it affects head movement. I’ve reach the 750mg point of iodine and I am still monitoring temps.
[quote]KSman wrote:
About my AI use:
When I started AI six years ago, I had E2=37 while my T was in the 900’s. That E2=37 make be feel bad, libido and mood problems, brain fog, easily startled, hated loud noises, intolerant and easily irritated. I was a bitch! With 1mg/week anastrozole, I life was great and nothing ruffled my feathers. I was a stud!
Last year or so, my labs started to come back with lower and lower E2. My dose had not changed. Over time I had increased E2 to match increased T doses and that had been keeping me near the E2=22 target.
As my E2 levels started to drop, my doc told me that he sometimes sees guys not needed AI anymore after having used it for a ?long? time. That did not make any sense and I dismissed the idea.
I had a E2=<7 from Labcorp and dismissed that a a lab failure because we have seen that several times.
Then we switched from my getting labs on my own from Labcorp [via LEF] to Quest via doc. So we get <15 from quest and now we have no idea what is going on. I had cut AI dose in half and was below 15 and really did not learn much from that lab report.
I have stopped AI for now. Definitely putting my head in a different space, but I an not feeling bad. I do feel more connected to my emotions and less what I had termed emotionally dry and analytical.
The change in my aromatase situation also occurred during the time frame where I slipped into iodine deficiency, then did 50mg iodine per day for two weeks. That recovered low body temps and had an amazing effect on QOL. Also, earlier, my TSH increased with my near death surgery/infection 2.5 years ago. That event shifted my thyroid function some how and the result was TSH=0.98–>1.60. My body temperatures were good after that, I was monitoring body temps every day for quite a while, doing self delivered IV antibiotics. TSH has dropped some since then.
I, and others, have pointed out that when there is a lot of peripheral T–>E2, the amount of AI required to “correct serum levels” might have the effect of lowering T–>E2 inside the brain. The implication is that this might have negative effects. However, we know that serum E2 does get into the brain, so that waters down any such arguments concerning reduced T–>E2 inside the brain. The T–>E2 inside the brain does create E2 for local consumption. So this is a muddy situation on which to draw conclusions. If we had inter-cranial fluid E2 levels before and during AI… any volunteers?
My AI needs had increased and I found that taking Rx Arimidex was delivering the same E2 levels as with RC anastrozole. RC potency did not seem to be the issue.
So reasons not known. My E2 levels dropped on an unchanging AI dose. I cut dose in half, but switch from Labcorp–>Quest really lost an opportunity to see what was going on.
So still lots to learn. The concept that one’s AI needs would decrease was really hard to accept after getting married to importance of AI. AI had changed my life for the better.
Aromatase activity is not controlled, it is open loop. This implies that the change is not from a change in a hormone feedback look system and thus would seem to be a result of changes at a cellular level.
Could it not be because you are in better shape and have lowered your body fat percentage that you and not converting as much anymore thus leading to the balancing of your hormones?
also I left you some questions if you don’t mind taking a peek at my thread. thx bro
[quote]coolnatedawg wrote:
KSman- any thoughts on having a swollen lymph node during IR? I have never had this particular lymph node (back of neck at base of skull, left side) swollen and it is definitely painful as it affects head movement. I’ve reach the 750mg point of iodine and I am still monitoring temps.
this is what happened to my friend also… he looked it up and he told me he had an allergic reaction to the iodide and it gets stored in the lymph nodes until the body releaeses it…
[quote]iw84aces wrote:
[quote]coolnatedawg wrote:
KSman- any thoughts on having a swollen lymph node during IR? I have never had this particular lymph node (back of neck at base of skull, left side) swollen and it is definitely painful as it affects head movement. I’ve reach the 750mg point of iodine and I am still monitoring temps.
this is what happened to my friend also… he looked it up and he told me he had an allergic reaction to the iodide and it gets stored in the lymph nodes until the body releaeses it…[/quote]
I can’t imagine I am just now having an allergic reaction…? Your friend had this issue almost immediately. I have been taking this for over 2 weeks now. I swapped to a different brand of KI a couple of days ago.
I was hoping that my temps would have reached 98.6 by now but I am only seeing a max of 98.3 today. My thought with what is happening with my lymph node is that my body is finally starting to excrete large amounts of heavy metal contaminants and so this is essentially die-off…? At what point does this become concerning and something I should come off of completely?
EDIT: over on curezone, I found that this is POSSIBLY a symptom of die off and one way to help is a salt water flush. I’m gonna try it and see what happens. I’m hesitant to come off KI right now b/c I feel like it WAS working well for me. Not sure why that changed…
Hi KSman,
I just got new lab results as of today, can you please take a look? Looks like both T and E2 are low, while TSH and rT3 are high.
I have an appointment with my doctor on Friday, and would like to know how to approach this. Thanks so much.
Hey KSman,
Got some new labs done. Your opinion would be awesome.
Thanks again
iw84aces=pain in the ass. I Know!!
But i need some help!! please have a good look and tell me what i can do.
New labs if you wouldn’t mind taking a look.
Thanks for everything as usual. So good new is that the military will go a head a give me a MRI on my pituitary. GOOD NEWS!
The weird news is that what triggered it was my Doc did a follow up blood panel in which he included my Prolactin Levels. So I not only got a call for a follow up, but the doc that signed off on the blood panel called me cause he was concerned of the level and that I NEED to get a pitutary MRI. He said on the phone it was 30? 30 of what I dont know. I wont see my regualr Doc until Monday.
Can Anddro gel increase prolactin? The only reason I ask. Is I am not discounting the fact it could be damage to the pituitary. (with my work history (whiplash, concussions etc) I dont doubt it. But I have almost be exibiting signs of gyno since on the gel.
I ordered my own amiridex and test cyp. to use on my own dime. Kinda lost here.
If you get a chance or know someone that could help with coming off TRT please take a look here and thanks as always
[quote]strength_forever wrote:
Thanks for everything as usual. So good new is that the military will go a head a give me a MRI on my pituitary. GOOD NEWS!
The weird news is that what triggered it was my Doc did a follow up blood panel in which he included my Prolactin Levels. So I not only got a call for a follow up, but the doc that signed off on the blood panel called me cause he was concerned of the level and that I NEED to get a pitutary MRI. He said on the phone it was 30? 30 of what I dont know. I wont see my regualr Doc until Monday.
Can Anddro gel increase prolactin? The only reason I ask. Is I am not discounting the fact it could be damage to the pituitary. (with my work history (whiplash, concussions etc) I dont doubt it. But I have almost be exibiting signs of gyno since on the gel.
I ordered my own amiridex and test cyp. to use on my own dime. Kinda lost here. [/quote]
TRT will not increase prolactin or create any pathology of the pituitary. Your blows to your head can case damage, but not prolactin secreting adinomas. Yes, you could have both.
Hey KSman I am new to the forum and have been reading around and alot of the stickies…you seem to be the go to guy. Just have a question for you…I ran test e x10 with adex .5eod and nolva PCT standard protocol. This was my second cycle and i experienced/experiencing rebound. I got some bw with low fsh good lh and lower test in range. I decided to try some clomid recommended by a friend and test level increased as well as LH and FSH. I have been off cycle for a bit a not on TRT but still battle an e2 issue. I have some aromasin now, should I be running that with my clomid since t increases I know e will I cant gauge from bw due to clomid giving a false e2 level my BW is in my thread but this was 3 weeks into clomid http://tnation.T-Nation.com/hub/pwrlift44#myForums/thread/5646966/
Thanks for the help
Hey KSman when you get a chance can you check back over at my thread. New labs and I could really use some additional suggestions before my next endo appt. Mostly your thoughts on novldex, clomid, hcg therapies.