KSman is Here

Today I added this to the thyroid basics sticky:

Update: You should not do thyroid labs soon after your thyroid gland is palpated. That can be from a doc or your own exam. This can increase serum thyroid hormone levels and make the lab results inaccurate. See: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/lary.20959/abstract;jsessionid=EE1951A93270B63ACC0467A06304BB70.d04t02

Parallel to the above, you should not do lab work that includes PSA soon after a DRE prostate exam.

Hi again, KSman, I finally got a new doctor. Not an endo or uro, he’s a GP who Rx’ed me a compounded cream. Open-minded, enthusiastic, but seems conservative. Might give AI if I ask/press for it. HCG could be harder sell.

Been checking my body temps. 97.9 F waking temps, almost no variance. Afternoon/evening temps 98.1 - 98.7, depending on which hour. Iodine intake - iodized salt since I was a kid, and now also taking a multivit with 150 mcg iodine. So I’m thinking my thyroid is OK.

As always, your thoughts are appreciated. 2 new posts in my thread.


KSman, thanks for looking at my thread and giving me the advice on the A1. I was thinking about the over-responder too (I had read your sticky!) and I’ll take 1/8th mg Adex every 4 days with my injection, starting in a week or so. Still have some sore joints; it can be a mean drug to sensitive folks.

KSman, why don’t you just open your own TRT shop; you’d have clientele flying in from all over the world . . .

Yes, if you opened a TRT shop, I’m getting my butt over there.

I may be doing one-on-one services soon, but not from here.

Hey KSman, can you check out my thread when you get a chance? Just the latest post. Don’t expect you to read everything.

Thanks a million.

Hi, Ksman, I got your message about the multiple threads and the hassle of cross referencing, won’t happen again. I’m always worried the entry will just be lost down the line. Sorry.

I responded to your reply, and hope you can check it out at . . .


Kind or rattled by the whole thing, near quitting, but . . . please help.

Hey KSman, updated my thread again if you get a minute

New to TRT - Testosterone Replacement - Forums - T Nation please have a look :slight_smile:

Ksman please check out my thread. My new bloodwork just came back.


Hi KSman,

Could you look at my recent test results and let me know if you see anything out of line. My Testosterone results are from the day of my next injection. Current protocol is E3D of 36mg of test cyp per injection. No AI or HCG for the past 2 months. I’m going to up my injections to 40mg E3D or move to MWF injection schedule. Thanks.

Thread is: SubQ After Trying Androgel - Testosterone Replacement - Forums - T Nation

Note: You can get a very good male panel at lef.org for $200 [for members, join] this month. Value can’t be beat.

have a look for me… completely frustrated and gonna lose it… PLEASE New to TRT - Testosterone Replacement - Forums - T Nation

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Hey KSman,

Got the blood work you requested. Some interesting results.

Thanks again.

KS! :slight_smile:

New labs and treatment

Thanks man

Please go help this young man out… He is 16…He really needs some guidance …Low Test, Advice - Testosterone Replacement - Forums - T Nation

Hey KSman,

Lot’s of questions and ideas for you.

The last four posts of mine.

Thanks again man.


If you have a moment I’d really appreciate if you looked at my blood test results…

Thank you!


You’ve been asking guys about their gut health as well as their thirst- what are your trying to identify with this information? I’m on TRT for the last 4-5 months or so, still struggling with fatigue, libido, etc and while my E2 is still not perfect with my adex, I have suffered from a problematic gut and I’m always thirsty.


Updated my thread.