Kevin's Log: Chasing Goals & Learning As I Go

Legs (Week 3, Day 4)

  1. Cable Pull Throughs - 4 x 8 w/ 50 (HARD-LIMIT)

  2. Seated Smith DL
    95 x 4
    135 x 4
    185 x 4
    225 x 4
    275 x 4
    295 x 4
    315 x 4 (HARD-LIMIT)

  3. Reverse Band Box Squats (Doubled Reds)
    315 x 3
    315 x 3
    315 x 3
    315 x 3
    315 x 5 (HARD-LIMIT)

  4. Reverse Band Arch Back Goodmornings (Doubled red bands) - 5 x 4 w/ 185 w/ 2 sec pauses (CHALLENGING)

  5. Bad Girl Machine - 5 x 10 w/ 100 (HARD-LIMIT)

Chest & Shoulders (Week 3, Day 5)

  1. Speed Bench
    185 x 3 close grip
    185 x 3 standard grip
    185 x 3 wide grip
    185 x 3 standard grip
    185 x 3 close grip
    185 x 3 standard grip
    185 x 3 wide grip
    185 x 3 standard grip (CHALLENGING)

  2. Standing Lateral Raises
    slight cheat
    27.5s x 12
    27.5s x 12
    27.5s x 12
    27.5s x 11 (LIMIT)

  3. Machine Rear Delts
    60 x 25
    65 x 20
    70 x 15
    75 x 12
    80 x 9 (HARD-LIMIT)

  4. Cage Press
    45 x 3
    95 x 3
    115 x 3
    140 x 3
    145 x 1 (LIMIT)

Biceps, Triceps, & Abs (Week 3, Day 6)

  1. Occluded Straight Bar Curls w/ fat gripz
    40 x 10
    40 x 10
    40 x 10
    40 x 6
    40 x 4/30 x 10 (LIMIT)

  2. Hammer Curls w/ fat gripz - 4 x 8 w/ 17.5s

  3. Reverse Curls - 4 x 15 w/ 40

  4. Rope Pushdowns w/ fat gripz - 6 x 12 w/ 25 (LIMIT)

  5. EZ Bar Lying Extensions w/ fat gripz
    40 x 10 + 10 JM presses
    3 x 20 w/ 30 (HARD-LIMIT)

  6. Seated Rope Crunches
    47.5 x 12
    47.5 x 12
    47.5 x 12
    47.5 x 10 (LIMIT)

  7. Swiss Ball Pike Ups
    Yellow ball x 12
    Yellow ball x 12
    Yellow ball x 12
    Yellow ball x 10 (LIMIT)

Legs (Week 4, Day 1)

  1. Seated Leg Curls - 4 x 10 w/ 100 (HARD)

  2. Squats
    45 x 6
    95 x 6
    135 x 6
    175 x 6
    205 x 6
    225 x 6
    245 x 6
    265 x 3

  3. Leg Press
    unloaded x 10
    1 pps x 10
    2 pps x 10
    3 pps x 10
    4 pps x 10
    5 pps x 10
    6 pps x 10 (HARD-LIMIT)

  4. DB Lunges - 4 x 10 per leg w/ 40s (CHALLENGING)

  5. DB Stiff Leg DL - 3 x 10 w/ 95’s (HARD)

Chest, Triceps, Shoulders, Abs, & Calves (Week 4, Day 2)

  1. Banded Dyna Body Press - 8 x 4 w/ 1pps + doubled black bands (LIMIT)

  2. Flat DB Press
    20s x 12
    40s x 10
    60s x 6
    80s x 6
    90s x 6
    100s x 6
    110s x 3 (LIMIT)

  3. Floor Press
    45 x 3
    95 x 3
    135 x 3
    175 x 3
    205 x 3
    225 x 3
    245 x 2 (LIMIT)

  4. Rope Pushdowns w/ fat gripz - 5 x 12 w/ 28 (CHALLENGING-HARD)

  5. Close Grip Pushups - bw x 37 in 90 sec (LIMIT)

  6. EZ Bar JM Press w/ fat gripz - 4 x 10 w/ 40 (HARD-LIMIT)

  7. Prone Butterfly Laterals - 3 x 25 w/ 2.5s

  8. Seated Cable Rope Crunches
    52.5 x 12
    52.5 x 12
    52.5 x 11
    52.5 x 8 (LIMIT)

  9. Seated Toe Raises
    50 x 7
    50 x 6
    40 x 8
    40 x 8 (LIMIT)

Back (Week 4, Day 3)

  1. Chest Supported Incline DB Rows - 4 x 8 w/ 70s (HARD)

  2. DB Rows - 3 x 8 w/ 80 (CHALLENGING-HARD)

  3. Banded DB Pullovers
    35 + black band x 10
    35 + black band x 9 (LIMIT)

  4. V-bar Pulldowns (slow and controlled)
    115 x 10
    130 x 7
    115 x 10 (LIMIT)

  5. Deficit DL w/ 144 in chains - 5 x 3 w/ 185 (CHALLENGING)

  6. Back Extensions on GHR - 30 lb DB x 14/bw x 7 (LIMIT)

Legs (Week 4, Day 4)

  1. Squats w/ 120 in band tension in wraps
    Doubles up to:
    265 + greens x 2 (HARD)

  2. DL w/ 68 in chains
    315 x 1 (MODERATE)

  3. Reverse Hypers
    150 x 15
    150 x 15
    150 x 10
    150 x 10 (HARD-LIMIT)

  4. GHR
    Reverse Green band x 11
    Reverse Green band x 10
    Reverse Green band x 7

  5. Seated Leg Curls - 60 x 30 + 10 partials (LIMIT)

  6. Belt Squat Marching
    90 + green band x 50 steps per leg
    90 + green band x 40 steps per leg
    90 + green band x 30 steps per leg (LIMIT)

Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps (Week 4, Day 5)

  1. Close Grip Bench
    190 x 6
    190 x 6
    200 x 6
    210 x 7 (LIMIT)

  2. Incline DB Press - 50s x 34/8/8 (LIMIT)

  3. DB Rear Delt Flyes - 4 x 15 w/ 15s (CHALLENGING)

  4. Standing Lateral Raises
    5s x 20
    10s x 20
    15s x 15
    20s x 12
    25s x 10 (HARD-LIMIT)

Chest, Biceps, & Triceps (Week 4, Day 6)

  1. Speed Bench w/ bands - 8 x 3 w/ 135 + green bands (MODERATE)

  2. Straight Bar Curls w/ fat gripz (3 sec negatives) - 5 x 8 w/ 40 (HARD-LIMIT)

  3. Arm Supported DB Curls w/ fat gripz - 4 x 8 w/ 12.5s (HARD-LIMIT)

  4. Brachioradialis Curls - 4 x 15 w/ short bar

  5. Rope Pushdowns w/ fat gripz
    30 x 12
    30 x 12
    30 x 12
    30 x 12
    30 x 12
    3 x 10 (LIMIT)

  6. Bench Dips
    2 plates/90 x 20
    2 plates/90 x 14
    2 plates/90 x 10/45 x 10/bw x 10 (LIMIT)

Legs (Week 5, Day 1)

  1. Cybex Lying Leg Curls
    95 x 10
    95 x 9.5
    90 x 10
    90 x 10 (LIMIT)

  2. Squats
    45 x 10
    95 x 6
    135 x 6
    175 x 6
    205 x 6
    235 x 6
    255 x 6
    275 x 6
    295 x 2 (LIMIT)

  3. Leg Press
    unloaded x 10
    1 pps x 10
    2 pps x 10
    3 pps x 10
    4 pps x 10
    5 pps x 10
    6 pps x 10

  4. DB Lunges - 4 x 10 per leg w/ 40s (HARD-LIMIT)

  5. DB Stiff Leg DL - 3 x 10 w/ 75s (CHALLENGING)

Chest, Triceps, Abs, & Calves (Week 5, Day 2)

  1. Banded Flat Hammer Strength Press
    55 + doubled black bands x 4, 4, 4, 4, 3 (LIMIT)
    50 + doubled black bands x 4, 4, 4 (LIMIT)

  2. Flat DB Press
    25s x 10
    45s x 8
    65s x 6
    85s x 6
    100s x 6
    110s x 4 (LIMIT)
    105s x 6 (LIMIT)

  3. Floor Press
    45 x 3
    95 x 3
    135 x 3
    175 x 3
    205 x 3
    220 x 3
    235 x 3 (LIMIT)

  4. Rope Pushdowns w/ fat gripz - 5 x 12 w/ 30 (HARD)

  5. Close Grip Pushups - bw x 41 in 90 sec (LIMIT)

  6. EZ Bar JM Press w/ fat gripz - 4 x 10 (HARD)

  7. Leg Press Timed Toe Presses
    0.5 pps x 25 in 60 sec
    0.5 pps x 20 in 60 sec
    0.5 pps x 16 in 60 sec

  8. Seated Cable Rope Crunches
    52.5 x 11/42.5 x 10/32.5 x 10/27.5 x 11 (LIMIT)

Back, Abs, & Calves (Week 5, Day 3)

  1. Chest Supported Rows - 4 x 8 w/ 75 (CHALLENGING-HARD)

  2. DB Rows - 3 x 8 w/ 70 (CHALLENGING)

  3. Banded DB Pullovers
    35 + black band x 12
    2 x 10 w/ 40 + black band (LIMIT)

  4. V-Bar Pulldowns - 130 x 10 (CHALLENGING ON BICEP)

  5. Banded Facing Away Pulldowns
    70 + green band x 10
    70 + green band x 9 (LIMIT)

  6. 3.5" Deficit DL
    4 x 3 w/ 185
    185 x 9 (LIMIT)

  7. Banded Hyper Extensions (triple drop set)
    1 black, 2 reds, and 2 greens x 10
    1 black, 2 greens x 9
    greens x 7
    bw x 6

  8. Hanging Leg Raises - 4 x 8 (HARD-LIMIT)

  9. Seated Toe Raises (10 sec rest) - 10 x 35/25/20/15/10 = 100 total reps

Cardio (Week 5, Day 4)

  1. Prowler Sprints - 10 x 1 lap w/ 100 (50 seconds rest)

Legs (Week 5, Day 5)

  1. Seated Leg Curls (60 sec rest) - 6 x 12 w/ 70 (CHALLENGING)

  2. SSB Squats w/ 127 in chains
    65 x 6
    65 + chains (192) x 6
    115 + chains (242) x 6
    155 + chains (282) x 6
    185 + chains (312) x 6
    205 + chains (332) x 3/1/1/1 (LIMIT)

  3. Belt Squats
    Unloaded x 6
    45 x 6
    90 x 6
    135 x 6
    180 x 2
    135 x 6/4/2 (LIMIT)

  4. Bulgarian Split Squats - 3 x 8 + 15 sec isoholds w/ 40 (MODERATE)

  5. Belt Squat Marching
    45 + doubled green x 38 per leg
    unloaded + doubled green x 50 per leg

Chest, Shoulders, Abs, & Calves (Week 5, Day 6)

  1. Speed Bench w/ bands - 8 x 3 w/ 135 + doubled reds (CHALLENGING)

  2. Incline Bench
    45 x 6
    95 x 6
    135 x 6
    165 x 6
    180 x 6
    190 x 5 + 1 (LIMIT)

  3. Incline DB Press - 70’s x 19/50s x 12 (LIMIT)

  4. Seated High Incline Smith Press
    95 x 8
    115 x 8
    125 x 8
    135 x 7
    135 x 6

  5. Incline DB Front Raises
    12.5s x 9
    10s x 14
    10s x 14 (LIMIT)

  6. Banded Machine Lateral Raises (3 sec negatives)
    2 x 8 w/ 20 + red band
    2 x 6 w/ 20 + red band (LIMIT)

  7. DB Rear Delt Flyes
    17.5s x 15
    17.5s x 15
    17.5s x 9
    15s x 15 (LIMIT)

  8. Sit ups
    bw x 25 in 60 sec
    bw x 7 in 60 sec

  9. Seated Toe Raises (10 sec rest between sets)
    20 x 15/12/10/8/6/4/2/4/6/7

Biceps, Triceps, & Abs (Week 5, Day 7)

  1. EZ Bar Curls w/ fat gripz - 5 x 8 w/ 40 (CHALLENGING)

  2. DB Curls w/ fat gripz
    3 x 8 w/ 15s
    1 x 6/4/2 w/ 15s (LIMIT)

  3. Wide Grip EZ Bar Reverse Curls - 4 x 15 w/ 30

  4. Rope Pushdowns w/ fat gripz
    3 x 12 w/ 30
    30 x 8/25 x 4
    2 x 12 w/ 25 (LIMIT)

  5. Bench Dips
    90 x 20
    90 x 14
    90 x 12/45 x 12/bw x 10 (LIMIT)

  6. Single Arm Reverse Grip Pushdowns - 2 x 10/5/3/2 w/ 12.5 (LIMIT)

  7. Sit ups
    bw x 25 in 60 sec
    bw x 12 in 60 sec
    bw x 8 in 60 sec

Legs, Abs, & Calves (Week 6, Day 1)

  1. Cybex Leg Curls - 4 x 10 w/ 95 (LIMIT)

  2. Squats (Beltless, 90 sec rest) - 8 x 3 w/ 235 (CHALLENGING)

  3. Leg Press
    unloaded x 10
    1 pps x 10
    2 pps x 10
    3 pps x 10
    4 pps x 10
    5 pps x 10
    6.5 pps x 10 (HARD)

  4. Smith Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat - 4 x 10 w/ bar (LIMIT)

  5. DB Stiff Leg DL - 3 x 12 w/ 75’s (CHALLENGING-HARD)

  6. Sit ups (30 sec rest)
    bw x 10
    bw x 10
    bw x 10
    bw x 2

  7. Standing Calve Raises
    10 x 8
    30 x 8
    50 x 8
    70 x 8

Chest, Triceps, & Biceps (Week 6, Day 2)

  1. Banded Flat Hammer Strength Press
    50 + doubled blacks x 4
    50 + doubled blacks x 4
    50 + doubled blacks x 4
    50 + doubled blacks x 3
    40 + doubled blacks x 4
    40 + doubled blacks x 2
    25 + doubled blacks x 4
    25 + doubled blacks x 4 (LIMIT)

  2. Flat DB Press
    25s x 8
    45s x 8
    65s x 8
    85s x 8
    95s x 8
    105s x 7 (LIMIT)

  3. Floor Press
    95 x 3
    135 x 3
    175 x 3
    205 x 3
    225 x 3
    235 x 3
    240 x 2 ( LIMIT)

  4. Rope Pushdowns w/ fat gripz - 5 x 12 w/ 25 (LIMIT)

  5. Close Grip Pushups - bw x 31 total in 90 sec (LIMIT)

  6. EZ Bar JM Press w/ fat gripz
    45 x 10
    45 x 10
    45 x 10
    45 x 9 (LIMIT)

  7. EZ Bar Curls (30 sec rest)
    45 x 10
    45 x 8
    45 x 6
    45 x 4
    45 x 2 (HARD)

  8. Seated DB Curls - 15s x 12 (MODERATE)

  9. Pinwheel Curls
    15s x 10
    15s x 10
    15s x 10
    15s x 9 (LIMIT)

Back, Abs, & Calves (Week 6, Day 3)

  1. Chest Supported Rows - 4 x 8 w/ 75 (HARD-LIMIT)

  2. DB Rows - 3 x 8 w/ 75 (CHALLENGING-HARD)

  3. Banded DB Pullovers
    45 + black band x 10
    45 + black band x 9 (LIMIT)

  4. Hoist Lat Pulldowns (Top handles, just outside shoulder width)
    3 sec negatives
    3 x 10 w/ 105 (LIMIT)

  5. 3.5" Deficit DL
    5 x 3 w/ 225
    275 x 1
    315 x 1 (LIMIT)

  6. Barbell Hyper Extensions
    145 x 7/bw x 8 (LIMIT)

  7. Hoist Ab Machine (20 sec rest) - 125 x 12/6/4/4 (LIMIT)

  8. Standing Calve Raises (20 sec rest) - 90 x 8/4/3/3 + 30 sec isohold + 10 sec neg + 10 sec stretch (LIMIT)

  9. Standing Calve Raises (3 rounds = 1 set)
    Round 1: bw x 10 + 10 sec isohold
    Round 2: bw x 10 partials + 10 sec isohold
    Round 3: bw x 10 partials + 10 sec isohold

Cardio (Week 6, Day 4)

  1. Prowler Sprints - 12 x 1 lap w/ 100 (50 sec rest)