Keeping Up w/My Husband!

Hi all,

I’m new to T-Nation! I’m 28, 5’8", newly married, and work in law enforcement. I may sound tough but I know that in the area of losing weight and getting fit, I need some support.

I’ve been active my whole life…I am currently doing Crossfit 3x/week + weightlifting 2x/week.

My issue, I think, (Ok, I know) is food. I eat a clean “maintenance” diet for my 155 lb body, but I would love to lose around 15 lbs and get back to my size in college. I eat mostly fruits and veggies, make my own bread w/almond or coconut flour, and get good lean protein and fish. But over time, my “cheat” days and “vacation eating” (i.e. bread + cake + peanut butter bananzas) on our honeymoon and trips have given me an extra something in my mid-section. Not too comfortable in that uniform.

My husband is a cyborg…really. He is about 170 lbs on about a 135 lb frame. He really can’t eat enough to keep weight on. He loses weight on vacation. Any other ladies out there already wanting to punch him a little? Yeah. Me too. I look at a brownie and it goes somewhere. But honestly, he’s the most supportive and loving man I know. I know it would be his dream to be the “fitness couple” with me, and I would love that, too. He looks the part, I think he’s waiting for me to love my body and join him in his cyborg-ness. I want to be doing burpee pull-ups w/him when we’re 60. (He’s had quite an influence on me)…

So this is my first plea for help…nutritionally, exercise, etc. I’m currently venturing out on a 1500 cal/day diet and limiting fruits…no dairy. That 15 lbs feels like a lot and I’m scared I can’t do it.

Any advice/feedback is welcome. Thanks :slight_smile:

I don’t really belong here but… a lot of people have had success with intermittent fasting. Could be worth a gander.

[quote]csulli wrote:
I don’t really belong here but… a lot of people have had success with intermittent fasting. Could be worth a gander.[/quote]

Also the women of “Girls Gone Strong” on Facebook post alot of stuff on IF and various dieting strategies.

Just saying…get tough, No cheat days, eat clean. Look up some great PALEO blogs. Instead of a cheat day, just one cheat meal a week. I lost 5 pounds doing paleo without even meaning to and i feel great! Between crossfit and paleo my life is completely different.

[quote]GettingSexyBack wrote:
Hi all,

I’m new to T-Nation! I’m 28, 5’8", newly married, and work in law enforcement. I may sound tough but I know that in the area of losing weight and getting fit, I need some support.

I’ve been active my whole life…I am currently doing Crossfit 3x/week + weightlifting 2x/week.

My issue, I think, (Ok, I know) is food. I eat a clean “maintenance” diet for my 155 lb body, but I would love to lose around 15 lbs and get back to my size in college. I eat mostly fruits and veggies, make my own bread w/almond or coconut flour, and get good lean protein and fish. But over time, my “cheat” days and “vacation eating” (i.e. bread + cake + peanut butter bananzas) on our honeymoon and trips have given me an extra something in my mid-section. Not too comfortable in that uniform.

My husband is a cyborg…really. He is about 170 lbs on about a 135 lb frame. He really can’t eat enough to keep weight on. He loses weight on vacation. Any other ladies out there already wanting to punch him a little? Yeah. Me too. I look at a brownie and it goes somewhere. But honestly, he’s the most supportive and loving man I know. I know it would be his dream to be the “fitness couple” with me, and I would love that, too. He looks the part, I think he’s waiting for me to love my body and join him in his cyborg-ness. I want to be doing burpee pull-ups w/him when we’re 60. (He’s had quite an influence on me)…

So this is my first plea for help…nutritionally, exercise, etc. I’m currently venturing out on a 1500 cal/day diet and limiting fruits…no dairy. That 15 lbs feels like a lot and I’m scared I can’t do it.

Any advice/feedback is welcome. Thanks :)[/quote]

More green veggies! Helps with any hunger issues you may have because of the fiber intake.

What White said about the cheats. I know when I’m trying to diet down that if I have a cheat DAY, my body takes a while to recover from that and then the next cheat day is upon me. Pick a meal once a week for a cheat meal. By that, maybe have dessert with a healthy meal. Don’t try to eat 6000 calories in a meal.

Another fun thing about dieting is that everyone reacts DIFFERENTLY! I’ve had to play around with what I eat to find the optimal range for losing weight. Track your meals and weight somewhere to give you a quick reference of what your breakdown was like and how it affected your weight. is what I use because it’s free.

Give what you’re doing an honest shot (3 weeks minimum). If you haven’t seen a decent drop, maybe 1-2 pounds a week, then change it up a bit. Add more cardio to your workouts and mix it up. Do some interval sprints, longer steady-state, or even twice-a-days. Kettle bell swings are great for your legs and killing your cardiovascular system.

Oh, write down your goals and put them somewhere you’ll be able to see them every day. I’ve always found it easier to stick with something when I’m reminded WHY I’m doing it. Makes it easier to walk past the chocolate or pass up birthday cake.

My two cents.

eat, train grow, repeat!

Nice to have you here. Good luck. Crossfit and Paleo are both a good solid place to start for getting strong.
