Hi all,
I’m new to T-Nation! I’m 28, 5’8", newly married, and work in law enforcement. I may sound tough but I know that in the area of losing weight and getting fit, I need some support.
I’ve been active my whole life…I am currently doing Crossfit 3x/week + weightlifting 2x/week.
My issue, I think, (Ok, I know) is food. I eat a clean “maintenance” diet for my 155 lb body, but I would love to lose around 15 lbs and get back to my size in college. I eat mostly fruits and veggies, make my own bread w/almond or coconut flour, and get good lean protein and fish. But over time, my “cheat” days and “vacation eating” (i.e. bread + cake + peanut butter bananzas) on our honeymoon and trips have given me an extra something in my mid-section. Not too comfortable in that uniform.
My husband is a cyborg…really. He is about 170 lbs on about a 135 lb frame. He really can’t eat enough to keep weight on. He loses weight on vacation. Any other ladies out there already wanting to punch him a little? Yeah. Me too. I look at a brownie and it goes somewhere. But honestly, he’s the most supportive and loving man I know. I know it would be his dream to be the “fitness couple” with me, and I would love that, too. He looks the part, I think he’s waiting for me to love my body and join him in his cyborg-ness. I want to be doing burpee pull-ups w/him when we’re 60. (He’s had quite an influence on me)…
So this is my first plea for help…nutritionally, exercise, etc. I’m currently venturing out on a 1500 cal/day diet and limiting fruits…no dairy. That 15 lbs feels like a lot and I’m scared I can’t do it.
Any advice/feedback is welcome. Thanks