Indulge my curiosity for a moment. Given the strong and diverse political views on the political forums, I’d be interested to see what the response would be to the following questions:
If, in the 2004 election, it had been a choice between Bush, Kerry and McCain, who would you have voted for?
Would you like to see John McCain win the Republican nomination in 2008? If not, who would you rather see win it?
If John McCain ran in 2008, which Democrat, if any, would you vote for ahead of him?
If possible, could you express your party affilitations or political inclinations when you express your views.
I know 2008 is a long way off and a lot could happen and you dont know exactly what McCain’s platform would have been in 2004. I’m just keen to see what kind of attitude you guys have to McCain.
I know he is well intentioned, but he does not little things like facts get in his way.
Everyone wants to minimize special interests role in politics. The McCain-Feingold Act was intended to do this. Based on the last election it clearly has not worked. In fact it backfired just as many predicted it would.
His stance on supplementation and steriods is also pure grandstanding BS.
I cannot judge a guy based only on 2 things so I would love to see peoples positive and negative opinions linked to his actual accomplishments and behaviors.
If, in the 2004 election, it had been a choice between Bush, Kerry and McCain, who would you have voted for?
Bush. No question.
Would you like to see John McCain win the Republican nomination in 2008? If not, who would you rather see win it?
No. He acts bi-polar.
If John McCain ran in 2008, which Democrat, if any, would you vote for ahead of him?
Joe Lieberman.
If possible, could you express your party affilitations or political inclinations when you express your views.
liberal “White Christian Conservatives are evil” democrat.
I know 2008 is a long way off and a lot could happen and you dont know exactly what McCain’s platform would have been in 2004. I’m just keen to see what kind of attitude you guys have to McCain.
He was downright frightening in 2000. Thought we would have been at war with China had we elected him.
More impressed with him in 2004. His speech at the RNC was masterful.
After his little delaying deal of this year, my estimation of him has dropped off sharply.
[quote]loconnor29 wrote:
Indulge my curiosity for a moment. Given the strong and diverse political views on the political forums, I’d be interested to see what the response would be to the following questions:
If, in the 2004 election, it had been a choice between Bush, Kerry and McCain, who would you have voted for?[/quote]
No, not sure yet
Lieberman, Byah, maybe Pelosi(j/k)
My views are conservative so I vote mostly Republican. In my opinion McCain lost it with this filibuster “deal” he signed on for.
I know 2008 is a long way off and a lot could happen and you dont know exactly what McCain’s platform would have been in 2004. I’m just keen to see what kind of attitude you guys have to McCain.
[quote]loconnor29 wrote:
Indulge my curiosity for a moment. Given the strong and diverse political views on the political forums, I’d be interested to see what the response would be to the following questions:
If, in the 2004 election, it had been a choice between Bush, Kerry and McCain, who would you have voted for?
Would you like to see John McCain win the Republican nomination in 2008? If not, who would you rather see win it?
If John McCain ran in 2008, which Democrat, if any, would you vote for ahead of him?
If possible, could you express your party affilitations or political inclinations when you express your views.
I know 2008 is a long way off and a lot could happen and you dont know exactly what McCain’s platform would have been in 2004. I’m just keen to see what kind of attitude you guys have to McCain.
I can’t stad McCain-he almost single handidly killed MMA in the U.S. when he got the cable companies not to carry the UFC in the late 90s that and his latest bullshit stance with steroids and baseball-he’s a dick and about as anti-T-man as you can get.
[quote]loconnor29 wrote:
Indulge my curiosity for a moment. Given the strong and diverse political views on the political forums, I’d be interested to see what the response would be to the following questions:
If, in the 2004 election, it had been a choice between Bush, Kerry and McCain, who would you have voted for?
Would you like to see John McCain win the Republican nomination in 2008? If not, who would you rather see win it?
If John McCain ran in 2008, which Democrat, if any, would you vote for ahead of him?
If possible, could you express your party affilitations or political inclinations when you express your views.
I know 2008 is a long way off and a lot could happen and you dont know exactly what McCain’s platform would have been in 2004. I’m just keen to see what kind of attitude you guys have to McCain.
Don’t like anything about McCain. Now if you would have said Steve Forbes then I would have changed my vote from Bush to Forbes.
No, Don’t like McCain, not even a little! My choice for 2008 would be any republican who would be for a complete overhaul of our current horrible tax system. We know a democrat won’t do it as all they want to do is pander to their base and raise taxes. They are worthless when it comes to the issue of tax overhaul. The republicans so far are not much better.
I would not vote! I will never vote for McCain and I cannot vote for anyone in a party that believes in abortion and special rights for certain groups of people. I am for equality for all!
[quote]Yorbabarbell wrote:
loconnor29 wrote:
Indulge my curiosity for a moment. Given the strong and diverse political views on the political forums, I’d be interested to see what the response would be to the following questions:
If, in the 2004 election, it had been a choice between Bush, Kerry and McCain, who would you have voted for?
Would you like to see John McCain win the Republican nomination in 2008? If not, who would you rather see win it?
If John McCain ran in 2008, which Democrat, if any, would you vote for ahead of him?
If possible, could you express your party affilitations or political inclinations when you express your views.
I know 2008 is a long way off and a lot could happen and you dont know exactly what McCain’s platform would have been in 2004. I’m just keen to see what kind of attitude you guys have to McCain.
I can’t stad McCain-he almost single handidly killed MMA in the U.S. when he got the cable companies not to carry the UFC in the late 90s that and his latest bullshit stance with steroids and baseball-he’s a dick and about as anti-T-man as you can get.[/quote]
Very good point!
He is so far up the boxing commisions butt that when they fart he gets bad breath!
[quote]loconnor29 wrote:
Indulge my curiosity for a moment. Given the strong and diverse political views on the political forums, I’d be interested to see what the response would be to the following questions:
If, in the 2004 election, it had been a choice between Bush, Kerry and McCain, who would you have voted for?
Most likely whoever won the nomination.
Liberal, previously big fan of McCain but now I have no respect for him.
If, in the 2004 election, it had been a choice between Bush, Kerry and McCain, who would you have voted for?[/quote]
McCain. Hands down.
At this point…yes.
No idea.
I voted Kerry in the last election. Would probably consider myself a democrat…loosely.
I was completely oblivious to politics until the last election, and I am not exactly a political science major now, so I may be off base here…
McCain seems to “me” to be able to look at both edges of the sword to determine which is sharper in each situation. So far in this thread, though, he seems to be criticized for this very idea (he is a democrat who says he is a republican). I believe this to be a quality that is desirable in a leader, but as I said, I may be off target here.
If, in the 2004 election, it had been a choice between Bush, Kerry and McCain, who would you have voted for?
McCain. Hands down.
Would you like to see John McCain win the Republican nomination in 2008? If not, who would you rather see win it?
At this point…yes.
If John McCain ran in 2008, which Democrat, if any, would you vote for ahead of him?
No idea.
If possible, could you express your party affilitations or political inclinations when you express your views.
I voted Kerry in the last election. Would probably consider myself a democrat…loosely.
I was completely oblivious to politics until the last election, and I am not exactly a political science major now, so I may be off base here…
McCain seems to “me” to be able to look at both edges of the sword to determine which is sharper in each situation. So far in this thread, though, he seems to be criticized for this very idea (he is a democrat who says he is a republican). I believe this to be a quality that is desirable in a leader, but as I said, I may be off target here.
While I disagree with you right down the line, I respect your opinion. I especially respect the way in which you chose to voice your opinion. I hope you decide to post more in the political forum.
McCain seems to “me” to be able to look at both edges of the sword to determine which is sharper in each situation. So far in this thread, though, he seems to be criticized for this very idea (he is a democrat who says he is a republican). I believe this to be a quality that is desirable in a leader, but as I said, I may be off target here.
While I disagree with you right down the line, I respect your opinion. I especially respect the way in which you chose to voice your opinion. I hope you decide to post more in the political forum.
Zeb -
Thanks for the respectful reply.
Could you clarify, though, specifically with the statement that I left quoted from my original message? Not necessarily with regards to McCain himself, but with the idea that a leader should be able to evaluate both sides of an argument and then choose that which he feels to be best for his constituents/followers.
Do you feel that showing conviction (religious, political, or otherwise) is more important than being right?
I feel as though being correct is more important, though I could understand the reasoning behind the opposite. Conviction can be very powerful.
McCain “to me” has shown some ability to buck political party lines and follow what he believes is the best in a certain situation. In these instances, I have been impressed with him.
I agree with you that a leader needs to evaluate both sides of the equation.
I think President Bush does this and also has personal conviction which drives his agenda. This also drives the left crazy.
If you look at some of the things which McCain has stood for it seems that he is no better than the typical politician.
Campaign finance reform for example is a joke! It allowed extemporaneous groups to form under the new law. Groups such as the “Swift boat veterans for truth.” and other fringe groups such as “” that cannot separate fiction from reality. All brought to you by John McCain and campaign finance reform. He was simply pandering to the voters who clamored for change.
No, McCain is no better than the others. Perhaps worse as he attempts to fool people into thinking he is somehow different.