Jason Baran

Jason- I am a conservative. In fact, I’m probably more conservative on some issues than you. The thing that you have to remember is that both conservatives and liberals are really trying to better mankind- we just have different ways of doing that. For example, take the abortion issue. It appears that there is no way that a pro-lifer and a pro-choicer could agree on this issue. But I think they can. What we have to do is look for the common ground; neither party really wants for there to be MORE abortions. We both want the rate to go down. Liberals believe that the mother has come to a “no win” situation, and that the mother should opt for the lesser of two evils: killing the child or having the child grow up without a father and in poverty. Us conservatives believe that killing the child is the greater of the 2 evils. So there is a difference in perspective, but we can unite to find a solution. The solution would be, basically, to make the world a better place. When our education levels improve, then most of our societal ills will disappear. So, Jason, in summary, transmute your hatred into something more fruitful. I’ve learned that complaining does nothing. In fact, it’s really counter-productive. If you take an active role in lifting the world to new heights, you’ll soon find that you have nothing to complain about.