Janos Baranyai After Bejing Injury?

Hi Thibs, do you have any idea what happened to the olympic lifter Janos Baranyai after his injury in the '08 Olympics in Bejing? Just wondered if his arm is working in day-to-day life after that injury, and if he will ever be able to compete again?

It just looks so extremely painful, and sort of scares me a bit when I do my own olympic lifts… And i did feel like my arm started to bend slightly backwards in a set of one-arm dumbell snatches that I did som weeks ago, and it hurt mildly for a week or two…
What is the chance of gettin an injury like Baranyai got? And what can I do to avoid it?

See the injury here: Weightlifting accident - Beijing 2008 - YouTube

I don’t know about him specifically. But I know that one of my friend (former Canadian champ) had the same thing happen and he actually got back to competition and even won another national championship.

Zlatan Vanev also dislocated his elbow and came back to win the world champs with a 210kg jerk.

Thanks, good to hear.

Baranyai lifted in the 85kilo class in Minsk europeans, so he is back!